How do I set up a shared mailbox?
Before you can access a shared email account (dept., project, etc) you will need to be given access. Please have a person that currently has access, a supervisor, chair, dean, or VP request you be provided access to the shared mailbox by submitting a ticket to the IT Solutions Center.
Method 1: Direct Access Web Based MavMAIL (OWA)
This will let you directly access the mailbox. This is probably the recommended way of accessing a shared mailbox through MavMAIL. Anything sent while you are in this account will send from this shared mailbox. No extra setup is needed.
- Log in to
- Replace StarID with your StarID:
- Students, Alumni and Emeriti:
- Faculty and Staff:
- Note: Some student workers have an employee account and may need to use this.
- Click on the circle in the upper right corner. The circle will either be your picture or initials.
- Select on Open another mailbox.
- In the window that comes up, type the name of the shared mailbox and click open.
- Note: Should be similar to mnsu-mailboxname or you may need to click on Search Directory.

- This will open a new tab bringing you into the shared mailbox directly.
- Just close the tab and you will be logged out of that account.
Method 2: Folder Based Web Based MavMAIL (OWA)
This method will add a folder that will return after you login again to your account. If you want to send email from this account you will need to add the From field when you send the email.
- Log in to
- Replace StarID with your StarID:
- Students, Alumni and Emeriti:
- Faculty and Staff:
- Note: Some student workers have an employee account and may need to use this.
- Right-click on Folders on the left side.
- Select Add shared folder..
- In the window that comes up, type the name of the shared mailbox and click add.
- Note: Should be similar to mnsu-mailboxname or you may need to click on Search Directory.

Note: You will be able to add any shared mailbox, however you will only be able to view mailboxes that you have access to.
Outlook 2021/Office 365 (Windows)
Due to the migration to Single Tenant and the way Minnesota State does permissions for shared mailboxes, some things have changed from the past. We have to specify a primary type (employee or student) for the group that gives the permission to an email account. Members of that group automatically get loaded into the left side navigation of Outlook for Windows. The way we add the other type don't get the automatic mapping and have to use the direction below on manually adding the shared mailbox to their left side navigation of Outlook for Windows.
Note: Most of our shared mailboxes are configured so the employee type is the primary group. The student primary groups are primarily RSO and a few shared mailboxes for depts. that only have students monitoring them
Manually Adding Shared Mailboxes in Outlook:
- Open Outlook.
- In the top menu bar, click on File.
- Click on Account Settings to get the drop down menu.
- Click on Account Settings on the drop down menu.
- A new window should pop up. Double-click on your email address to open up Exchange Account Settings.
- Click on More Settings.
- A new window should pop up. Click on the Advanced tab.
- There should be a section called Mailboxes. Click on Add.
- Type in the username/alias of the shared mailbox and click OK.
- Note: If you are unsure of the username/alias try mnsu- and then everything before the @ in the email. For example, if the email address is, you would try mnsu-testing. Otherwise, please contact the IT Solutions Center to create a ticket for us to locate it. Please include the email address you are trying to access.

- It will process and possibly give you a Check Name. If it gives you a Check Name, select the correct account and click OK.
- Click OK for Microsoft Exchange.
- Click on Done.
- Click on Close.
- The shared mailbox should be visible on the left side, but will only work if they have permissions to access it.
Outlook 2019/2021 (Mac)
- Open Outlook.
- In the top menu bar, next to the apple in the upper left hand corner, select Outlook.
- Click on Preferences....
- Choose Accounts.
- In the bottom right hand corner of the Accounts window, click the + and select New Account....
- Enter the email address of the shared mailbox and click on Continue.
- It will pop up a login screen. Click the red button to close that window. We want the window behind it.
- You should get the window below after you close the previous window. Click on Not Office365?
- Enter the information as requested.
- Method: Username and Password
- Email Address: The email address you want to connect to
- DOMAIN\username or Email: See below for which one to use, but will be either or
- Replace StarID with your StarID:
- Students, Alumni and Emeriti:
- Faculty and Staff:
- Note: Some student workers have an employee account and may need to use this.
- Password: Enter your StarID password.
- Server (Optional): Leave blank.

- Click Add Account.
- You will get another pop up asking to Allow or Deny the server to configure the settings. Click on Allow.
- Enter your StarID password and click on Sign in.
- Once it finishes, it should show that your shared mailbox has been added. Click on Done.