Expense Reports


The article provides guidance on submitting expense reports in Workday, including p-card transactions, and instructions for supervisors on reviewing and approving expense reports, as well as delegating approval responsibilities during absences.


View more expense report information on The Fountain.


Where do I fill out an expense report now, and how?
All expenses will now be submitted in Workday, including the transactions we currently do using an Employee Expense report. P-card transactions are now also reconciled in Workday under the Expense menu.

Helpful expense report how-to resources:


I’m a supervisor, how do I review and approve expense reports?
In Workday, supervisors can approve both spend authorizations and expense reports. You must have the assigned security role of either Expense Data Entry Specialist, Expense Partner, or Expense Settlement Specialist to perform these actions. View this Job Aid for instructions. If you are unsure of your assigned security roles, ask your supervisor or submit a Workday Help Ticket.


I’m a supervisor and I will be on vacation and not able to do my normal approvals for my employees, can I assign someone to do it in my absence?
Yes, you can assign a “delegate” to perform your normal work actions for that period of time. See the “How to assign a delegate” guide on instructions on how to set this up in Workday.


I am not claiming mileage reimbursement, but my expense report requires me to do so, what I should do?
In Workday if you traveled, you must enter the miles traveled. This must be done whether you are claiming mileage reimbursement or not for the expense report to allow you to submit it. For example, if you flew to a location for a conference, say LA, you must still enter how many miles it is from your starting destination to your final destination, even if flown. 


I filled out my expense report, but it won't allow me to submit it.
First, double-check that all required fields have been completed. If you traveled at all, a mileage number is also required. Even if you are not claiming reimbursement for miles, it is required. 



Article ID: 1080
Mon 7/1/24 3:19 PM
Mon 7/29/24 5:05 PM