Open Educational Resources (OER) Library


A list of open educational resources for instructors to use.


What Are Open Educational Resources?

Open Educational Resources (OER) are high quality and low or no cost materials that can be used:

  • To reduce textbook costs for students,
  • As a subject of research on teaching and learning,
  • For professional development, peer review opportunities, authoring, and more.
  • Check out our Textbook Affordability Starter Kit


Find more information about OER, support, and resources on the Library Services website.

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Resource Library

We've compiled a list of resources for instructors to use.

Resource Discipline Description
ALS Campus Showcase Varies Campus leadership and campus-based Affordable Learning Solutions programs are essential to provide faculty, staff, students, and administrators ways to support, find, and use high quality and affordable course materials. The CSU Office of the Chancellor has been working with campuses to develop the own ALS programs and the “showcase” below illustrates how each campus is advancing their local ALS program in ways that are aligned with their campus’ culture, priorities, and capabilities.
Alabama Learning Exchange Varies The Alabama Learning Exchange includes multimedia, learning activities, lessons, and unit plans all “connected” by the Alabama Standards to promote deeper-learning competencies essential for success in college, careers, and our global society. 
ALT Open Access Repository Arts, Education, Science, Social Sciences, Math, Humanities, Business  The ALT Open Access Repository was developed as part of the wALTer project in conjunction with the establishment of the Online Learning Knowledge Garden by project partners Cranfield University.
American Institute of Mathematics Open Textbook Initiative Math The American Institute of Mathematics (AIM) seeks to encourage the adoption of open source and open access mathematics textbooks. The AIM Editorial Board has developed evaluation criteria to identify the books that are suitable for use in traditional university courses. 
Bartleby Poetry With tens of thousands of poems by thousands of authors, offers one of the largest and oldest free full-text collections of verse on the web.
BCCampus Open Ed Varies It was on October 16, 2012 at the annual OpenEd conference in Vancouver that then British Columbia Minister of Advanced Education, John Yap, announced the creation of the B.C. Open Textbook Project.  The goal of the project was to make higher education more accessible by reducing student cost through the use of openly licensed textbooks. BCcampus was tasked with co-ordination of the project because of our 10-year experience funding open educational resources (OER) through the Online Program Development Fund. Specifically, the project was asked to create a collection of open textbooks aligned with the top 40 highest-enrolled subject areas in the province. A second phase was announced in the spring of 2014 in which an additional 20 textbooks targeting trades, technology, and skills training would be developed.
Book Boon Varies In 2005 the company made a strategic leap and became the first book publishing company in the world to focus 100% on free eBooks. As a global eBook publisher, offers a huge range of over 1000 eBooks in seven languages, directly available to download from the website.
Carnegie Mellon Open Learning Initiative Varies The Open Learning Initiative (OLI) is a grant-funded group at Carnegie Mellon University, offering innovative online courses to anyone who wants to learn or teach. Our aim is to create high-quality courses and contribute original research to improve learning and transform higher education.
CK-12 Varies We’re mission-driven and committed to providing universal access to great educational experiences.
College Open Textbooks Most Academic Subjects Funded by an eminent group of generous sponsors*, College Open Textbooks (COT) is a project of the Silicon Valley Education Foundation and the Open Doors Group. The COT Collaborative is collection of colleges, governmental agencies, education non-profits, and other education-related organizations that are focused on the mission of driving awareness, adoptions**, andaffordability of open textbooks. Our focus is on community colleges and other 2-year institutions of higher education and the first two years (lower division) of 4-year institutions. Some of our activities also apply to K-12, upper division, graduate school, and life-long learning.
Cool4Ed Varies The three State of California Higher Education Systems are working together to provide you easy access to quality FREE and OPEN eTextbooks that everyone and anyone can use for teaching and learning (Learn more about how and why we're doing this
Cornerstone Varies Cornerstone showcases the intellectual output of Minnesota State University, Mankato's faculty, staff, and students by preserving their works digitally and presenting them to the world in an easy-to-find format.
Creative Commons USA Varies Creative Commons USA is a chapter of the Creative Commons Global Network. We focus on furthering progress toward open culture, open education, open data, and open access to research in the United States. We provide legal expertise around the Creative Commons licenses, support to organizations and institutions that use (or could use) open licensing, and advice for decision-makers on copyright issues and policies that impact our trend toward a more open society.
Developmental and Intermediate Algebra Math  
Docuseek2 Varies, largely K-12 Docuseek2 is a package of unique content from several leading distributors of independent, documentary, social issue, health, and educational video. Docuseek2 offers almost 700 video titles for viewing. Film companies in Docuseek2 are Bullfrog, Icarus, Fanlight, National Film Board of Canada, Collective Eye, Kartemquin, Degenerate, Terra Nova Films. These videos include such well known titles as The Loving Story, Baboon Tales, and King Corn. New titles being added.  **This is available through MNSU Library to faculty with an MNSU Star ID and Password (or check
eBook Searcher Literature An app that gives users access to over 8 million books
Excelsior College Onlne Writing Lab Writing The Excelsior College OWL is designed to provide support for writers as they begin the process of writing for college and as they transition to writing outside of their introductory writing classes or programs.

The Excelsior College OWL is unique in its multimedia support for writers. It offers a wide variety of interactive multimedia activities, quizzes, videos, interactive PDFs, and games – all designed to help writers understand important concepts about writing.

The OWL is available 24/7 and can be used as either a supplement to or a replacement for traditional textbooks in the field. The OWL supports students in online or traditional classrooms and can be useful in “flipping” a curriculum. The content of the OWL focuses on best practices in the field of writing instruction and provides support for students during the writing process and in a variety of rhetorical situations. The OWL emphasizes that there is no one “right” way to write and teaches students to use basic rhetorical concepts to evaluate a situation and respond well. The OWL also focuses on helping students make connections from their writing courses to writing across the disciplines and beyond.
Free Online Course Materials Arts, Business, Education, Humanities, Math/Statistics, Science and Technology, Social Sciences California State University MERLOT collection of over 35,000 open resources
Gallica French Literature A collection of public domain French Literary texts from the Bibliotèque Nationale Français
Harvard MOOCs Business, Medicine, Music, Social Science, Literature, Humanities, Engineering, Computer Science Harvard's Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are designed for an online audience, teaching primarily through short (5-20 min.) pre recorded video lectures, that you watch on weekly schedule when convenient for you.  They also have student discussion forums, homework/assignments, and online quizzes or exams.
iBerry Directory of OpenAccess Sites iBerry provides information and resources for online learners, researchers, educators and anyone else with an interest in adult education. iBerry is non-profit making with no commercial or institutional affiliation.
iMathAS Math IMathAS is an Internet Mathematics Assessment System. It is primarily a web-based math assessment tool for delivery and automatic grading of math homework and tests. Questions are algorithmically generated and numerical and math expression answers can be computer graded. Beyond that, IMathAS includes learning management tools, including posting of announcements, text files, and attachments, as well as discussion forums and a full gradebook. In postings and assessments, IMathAS allows accurate display of math and graphs, with simple calculator-style math entry and point-and-click graph creation. It is most similar to (and inspired by) WebWork and WIMS, and similar to commercial and publisher-produced systems like WebAssign, MyMathLab, etc.
Intellus Open Courses Varies Intellus Learning empowers instructors to quickly access high-quality open educational resources (OER), as well as their institution’s academic library materials to help replace expensive course materials, while providing powerful, real-time insight into students’ engagement with the assigned content.Open eBooks, Video & Animatins, Assessments, Interactives, Primary Source Materials, and iClicker Questions
Intelecom Online Astrology, Psychology, Sociology, Sciences, Information Technology, Nursing, History, Philosophy, Political Science, Health The INTELECOM Online Resources Network ™ is a hosted and supported digital repository and subscription database of academic video clips - streamed on demand - for use in support of online, hybrid and face-to-face classes.
iTunes U Arts, Education, Science, Social Sciences, Math, Humanities, Business, Engineering, Engery, Health and Medicine Part of Apple's iTunes store, iTunes U is a vast learning resource offering free educational content that users can download straight to their computer, iPad, iPod and iPhone.
Kanopy Varies, largely K-12 Kanopy Streaming offers more than 10,000 videos from 100+ companies such as Media Education Foundation, Documentary Educational Resources, New Day Films, PBS, BBC Educational, Criterion Collection, Kino Lorber, and First Run titles.  Media Education Foundation offers such well-known titles as Killing Us Softly 4 and Tough Guise 2. California Newsreel's popular Race: Power of an Illusion is also available in Kanopy.  Kanopy adds titles and new distributors frequently. Check their listings often!  **This is available through MNSU Library to faculty with an MNSU Star ID and Password (or check
Khan Academy Math, Science, Economics, Humanities, Computing, Test Prep All of the site's resources are available to anyone. It doesn't matter if you are a student, teacher, home-schooler, principal, adult returning to the classroom after 20 years, or a friendly alien just trying to get a leg up in earthly biology. Khan Academy's materials and resources are available to you completely free of charge.
Learningpod Largely K-12 Pegged as the "largest library of free, online practice questions in the world, this Kaplan division teamed up with OpenStax to create questions sets specifically for its open textbooks.
LectureSource Varies  The concept and goal of LectureSource is to provide professors and college-level instructors with a place to find new course materials to enhance teaching and student learning. There is a plethora of material on the web, but it is not easy to find, navigate, or review.
LibreOffice Productivity tools LibreOffice is a powerful office suite – its clean interface and feature-rich tools help you unleash your creativity and enhance your productivity. LibreOffice includes several applications that make it the most powerful Free and Open Source office suite on the market.
LibreTexts STEM The Chemistry LibreTexts library is a principal hub of the LibreTexts project, which is a multi-institutional collaborative venture to develop the next generation of open-access texts to improve postsecondary education at all levels of higher learning. The LibreTexts approach is highly collaborative where an Open Access textbook environment is under constant revision by students, faculty, and outside experts to supplant conventional paper-based books. 
Librivox Varies LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain, and then we release the audio files back onto the net for free. All our audio is in the public domain, so you may use it for whatever purpose you wish. Please note: Our readers are free to choose the books they wish to record. LibriVox sees itself as a library of audiobooks. Because the books we read are in the public domain, our readers and listeners should be aware that many of them are very old, and may contain language or express notions that are antiquated at best, offending at worst.
Lumen Learning Math, Science, Business, Developmental Education, Education, General We help higher education and K-12 institutions use open educational resources effectively to eliminate textbook costs, broaden access to educational materials, and improve student success. We provide high quality open courseware, training and support for faculty members and academic leaders to help transition high-enrollment courses to open content, teach successful open courses and sustain the quality of these courses over time.
Merlot II Varies MERLOT is a free and open peer reviewed collection of online teaching and learning materials and faculty-developed services contributed and used by an international education community.
Merlotx Arts, Education, Science, Social Sciences, Math, Humanities, Business  MERLOTx is a free, open online collection of quality learning resources across a wide range of academic and workforce disciplines. Here you can find free online textbook content. 
eBooks Minnesota Varies Online ebook collection for all Minnesotans. The collection covers a wide variety of subjects for readers of all ages, and features content from our state's independent publishers, including some of our best literature and nonfiction.
MIT Open Courseware Arts, Education, Science, Social Sciences, Math, Humanities, Business, Engineering, Engery, Health and Medicine MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity.
North Carolina Learning Object Repository Varies, largely K-12 The North Carolina Learning Object Repository (NCLOR) collects documents, audio/video clips, simulations, learning modules, assessments, and more – virtually any type of learning resource that can be digitized and processed.
NotreDame Open Course Ware Business, Computer Science, Economics, Gen Ed, Humanities, Language, Law, Mathematics, Sciences, Social Sciences Notre Dame OCW is a free and open educational resource for faculty, students, and self-learners throughout the world.
OER Commons Arts, Education, Science, Social Sciences, Math, Humanities Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials that you may freely use and reuse at no cost. Unlike fixed, copyrighted resources, OER have been authored or created by an individual or organization that chooses to retain few, if any, ownership rights. In some cases, that means you can download a resource and share it with colleagues and students. In other cases, you may be able to download a resource, edit it in some way, and then re-post it as a remixed work. How do you know your options? OER often have a Creative Commons or GNU license to let you know how the material may be used, reused, adapted, and shared.
OER Commons (Minnesota)    
Open Course Library  Varies The Open Course Library (OCL) is a collection of shareable course materials, including syllabi, course activities, readings, and assessments designed by teams of college faculty, instructional designers, librarians, and other experts. Some of our materials (also called open educational resources, or OER) are paired with low cost textbooks ($30 or less). Many of the courses can be taught at no cost to students. Unless otherwise noted, all materials are shared under a Creative Commons (CC BY) license.OCL courses and materials have undergone testing for accessibility and have been designed using the industry-standard Quality Matters (QM) rubric for assessing the quality of online courses. All conent is shared in google docs for easy access!
OpenEd K-12 OpenEd is the only K-12 educational resource library focused on aligning resources to learning objectives. Specifically, OpenEd uses machine learning to accurately align videos, games, and assessments to learning goals such as the Common Core State Standards, NGSS, TEKS and detailed taxonomies of fine-grained learning objectives (from Renaissance, ACT, and others). We believe teachers should be able to find the most effective resources for their students all in one place, and all organized by standards. 
Open Education Consortium Arts, Education, Science, Social Sciences, Math, Humanities, History, Geography, Religion, Health and Nursing, Languages, Computer Science OpenCourseWare is the name given to open educational resources that are presented in course format, often including course planning materials, such as syllabi and course calendars, along with thematic content, such as textbooks, lectures, presentations, notes and simulations. Open Educational Resources are materials developed by experienced educators that are available for use, repurposing, and modification (including translation), in whole or in part, by everyone, everywhere in the world.
Open Textbook Library - UMN Business, Computer Science, Economics, Gen Ed, Humanities, Language, Law, Mathematics, Sciences, Social Sciences This library is a tool to help instructors find affordable, quality textbook solutions. All textbooks in this library are complete and openly licensed.
Open Textbook Store Math, Statistics, Liberal Arts OpenTextBookStore was created by educators frustrated with the time involved in finding adoptable open textbooks, with the hope to make open textbook adoption easier for other faculty. Just to be clear, we are not a publisher. This is just a listing site for publicly available open textbooks, maintained by a teacher. Print copies are made available through third party print-on-demand companies. Many of the courses have course packages available, which provides free online homework for several open math textbooks.
Open Yale Courses Business, Computer Science, Economics, Gen Ed, Humanities, Language, Law, Mathematics, Sciences, Social Sciences Open Yale Courses provides free and open access to a selection of introductory courses taught by distinguished teachers and scholars at Yale University.
OpenDOAR Directory of OpenAccess Sites OpenDOAR is an authoritative directory of academic open access repositories. Each OpenDOAR repository has been visited by project staff to check the information that is recorded here. This in-depth approach does not rely on automated analysis and gives a quality-controlled list of repositories.
OpenLearn Varies OpenLearn aims to break the barriers to education by reaching millions of learners around the world, providing free educational resources and inviting all to sample courses that our registered students take – for free!
Open NYS Varies Open NYS is a collaboration between SUNY and CUNY University systems to showcase and support the use of Open Educational Resouces (OER)
OpenStax Arts, Business, Science, Math, Humanities Today, OpenStax CNX is a dynamic non-profit digital ecosystem serving millions of users per month in the delivery of educational content to improve learning outcomes. There are tens of thousands of learning objects calledpages, that are organized into thousands of textbook-style books in a host of disciplines, all easily accessible online and downloadable to almost any device, anywhere, anytime.
OpenStudy Arts, Education, Science, Social Sciences, Math, Humanities, Music OpenStudy is study help 2.0. Everyone needs study help but it has to be just right—online, immediate, even late at night. We make this possible on OpenStudy. Connect with other students studying the same things. Get help and give help. Stay and enjoy the conversation. And level up!
P2PU Varies Peer 2 Peer University (we mostly just say P2PU) is a grassroots open education project that organizes learning outside of institutional walls and gives learners recognition for their achievements. P2PU creates a model for lifelong learning alongside traditional formal higher education. Leveraging the internet and educational materials openly available online, P2PU enables high-quality low-cost education opportunities.
Principles of Science Biology Principles of Science is Nature Education's new series of high quality, affordable interactive textbooks in the life and physical sciences. The first textbook in the series, Principles of Biology, was released in September 2011. Additional titles in other sciences are currently in development.
Project Gutenberg Literature Project Gutenberg offers over 54,000 free eBooks: Choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online. You will find the world's great literature here, especially older works for which copyright has expired. 
Public Speaking Project Communication  This website offers an assortment of virtual tools to help users improve their public speaking skills. A variety of speech professionals who are dedicated to providing free and low cost instructional materials contributed their original work. The project is growing and we will be adding and updating the content regularly. 
Resource Repository Health Sciences The Resource Repository is a digital commons for the global health community. This electronic collection of documents, links, audio, and video files, relies on contributions from the community in topic areas such as newborn screening, family health history, genetic testing, reimbursement, research, drug development, community engagement, and organizational development.
Saylor Varies Saylor Academy's resources cover content from art history to sociology with search filters that can help you locate just the right book, recording, presentation, video, chapter or image. For example, Melissa Barlett, instructor in biology for the Center for Life and Health Sciences at Mohawk Valley Community College (NY), uses this 535-page PDF curriculum in her college success class.
SkillsCommons Varies  The US Department of Labor’s Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) program has created a free and open online library called SkillsCommons containing free and open learning materials and program support materials for job-driven workforce development.  The Open Educational Resources (OER) are produced by community colleges across the nation and can be found, reused, revised, retained, redistributed and remixed by individuals, institutions, and industry. is designed and managed by the California State University and its MERLOT program for the Department of Labor’s TAACCCT program under a 4 year cooperative agreement. The California State University/MERLOT team works with other TAACCCT partners to support the TAACCCT grantees in the creation and contribution of quality OER that are stored in the SkillsCommons online library.
Spiral Physics Physics Monroe Community College (NY) professor Paul D'Alessandris' calculus- and algebra-based introductory physics texts were written under an NSF grant, but when mainstream publishers expressed no interest, he placed it online for the entire English-reading world to grab.
Teach Astronomy Astronomy Teach Astronomy is an astronomy learning tool, intended either as a supplement for classroom instruction or for informal learners wanting to know more about the subject. The major types of content can be explored with a keyword search and/or by using the visual display (called a Wikimap) to surf related items.
Teaching Commons Varies 
The Teaching Commons brings together high-quality open educational resources from leading colleges and universities. Curated by librarians and their institutions, the Teaching Commons includes open access textbooks, course materials, lesson plans, multimedia, and more.
Textbook Revolution Arts, Education, Science, Social Sciences, Math, Humanities, Business, Engineering, Engery, Health and Medicine Textbook Revolution is a student-run site dedicated to increasing the use of free educational materials by teachers and professors. We want to get these materials into classrooms. On this site you'll find links and reviews of textbooks and select educational resources. Some of the books are PDF files, others are viewable online as e-books, or some are simply web sites containing course or multimedia content.
The Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL) Languages The Center for Open Educational Resources & Language Learning (COERLL) is one of 16 National Foreign Language Resource Centers (LRC's) funded by the US Department of Education. The overall mission of these federally-funded centers is to improve the teaching and learning of foreign languages by producing resources (materials and best practices) that can be profitably employed in a variety of settings.
The Learning Exchange Finance, criminal justice, education, family science, government, health, organizational development, mental health, social work The Learning Exchange is an online digital library developed by IRISS (the Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services). We have indexed thousands of learning resources specifically for social services education and training. These include information sheets, official publications, interactive learning resources, video clips, case studies, podcasts and radio broadcasts.
The Orange Grove Business, Communication, Education, Engineering, Health Science, Humanities, Mathematics, Technical studies, Science, Social Science, Performing Arts The Orange Grove repository, is Florida's digital repository for instructional resources. The repository provides an environment for educators to search for, use, remix, share, and contribute educational resources. The repository can also be integrated with your Learning Management Systems (e.g., Blackboard, Desire 2 Learn, Canvas) .
Wikibooks Varies Open-content textbooks collection that anyone can edit.
Wikiversity Varies Wikiversity is a Wikimedia Foundation project devoted to learning resources, learning projects, and research for use in all levels, types, and styles of education from pre-school to university, including professional training and informal learning. We invite teachers, students, and researchers to join us in creating open educational resources and collaborative learning communities.
Wisc-Online Business, Gen Ed, Health, PD, ELL Wisc-Online is a digital library of Web-based learning resources called "learning objects."
World Digital Library Varies  WDL was created by the Library of Congress in 2009. The website has the mission of promoting international and intercultural information, and making non-western and non-English resources more accessible on the Internet.
Introduction to Communications (CMST)  Communication  A free, open-source, introductory communication studies text
Why Writing Works: Disciplinary Approaches to Composing Texts Writing Why Writing Works: Disciplinary Approaches to Composing Texts is an open-access, online textbook resource operating under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. This text was created by professors at Southwest Minnesota State University for their second-year writing class called "Writing in the Professions," which introduces students to writing in their disciplines.  
Galileo Varies GALILEO Open Learning Materials brings together open educational resources throughout the University System of Georgia, including open textbooks and ancillary materials.




Article ID: 1120
Thu 7/25/24 5:53 PM
Fri 7/26/24 3:09 PM