Logging In to Optimizely


Once you have completed editor training and receive notification that your credentials have been added to the system, you may log into Optimizely to edit content.


Once you have completed editor training and receive notification that your credentials have been added to the system, you may log into Optimizely to edit content. Note: You must use your employee StarID login (StarID@minnstate.edu). If you also have a student account (StarID@go.minnstate.edu) it will not work for logging into EpiServer.


How to Log In to the Live Site

  1. Navigate to the login page: https://www.mnsu.edu/episerver/cms
  2. Use your employee StarID username and password (starid@minnstate.edu)


How to Log In to the Integration Site

  1. Navigate to the login page: https://mankato.int.mnsu.edu/episerver/cms
  2. Use your employee StarID username and password (starid@minnstate.edu)


How to Log in to the Training Site

  1. Navigate to the login page: https://training.int.mnsu.edu/episerver/cms
  2. Use your employee StarID username and password (starid@minnstate.edu)



Article ID: 1180
Tue 10/15/24 10:57 AM
Mon 2/24/25 4:19 PM