D2L Brightspace: Data Requests



How do I get D2L Brightspace data?


Description of Service Category 

IT Solutions provides raw data from D2L Brightspace Data Hub. Requests may include faculty access to their own course data, competencies/learning outcomes data for program assessment, and IRB approved research. Requests are submitted to a governance process; they must meet specific criteria and be approved prior to fulfillment.   

Types of Requests Available 

  • Student Course Access Report: Students who have not engaged in their online learning classroom early in the term
  • D2L Brightspace Tool Usage Report: Data on which D2L Brightspace tools are in use within individual course sites
  • D2L Brightspace Tool Aggregate Usage Report: Data on which D2L Brightspace tools are in use throughout an entire institution site
  • Last Date Attended Report: Dates of student activities within D2L Brightspace in order to support LDA determination for financial aid 
  • Competencies Report: Data for departments/programs using the competencies tool. 

Note: This requires prior set-up with an instructional designer and D2L administrator

  • D2L Brightspace Data Sets:  Contains raw, user-level data from the Brightspace Learning Environment to provide those with business-related purposes with the maximum flexibility in integrating, aggregating, and filtering the data specific to their needs

Criteria for Requests 

  • Individual Teachers may request their own course(s) data. Note: If you co-teach, all teachers of record must give their consent
  • Programs may request Competencies/Learning Outcomes data for assessment purposes  
  • Researchers may request data with IRB approval 
  • Academic Affairs may request data for institutional business uses 

Approval Process 

Submitted requests must meet the type and criteria outlined above. In addition, they must be reviewed and approved prior to fulfillment of the request. Requests outside of type and criteria may require additional time, review, and approval.

To Request Data: Submit a ticket to itsolutionscenter@mnsu.edu. Include the following information: 

Subject: D2L Brightspace Data Request 


  1. Type of Request:
    1. Student Course Access Report 
    2. Tool Usage Report 
    3. Tool Aggregate Usage Report 
    4. Last Date Attended Report 
    5. Competencies Report  
    6. D2L Brightspace Data Set 
  2. Criteria of Request:
    1. Individual Teacher requesting own course(s) data. Note: If you co-teach, all teachers of record must give their consent. 
    2. Programs requesting Competencies report. Note: This requires prior set-up with an instructional designer and D2L administrator 
    3. Researchers (Please attach your IRB approval letter) 
    4. Academic Affairs may request data for institutional purposes 
  3. If the request is for data from specific course(s), include (all of) the course offering URL/web address(es)
  4. Attach any supporting documentation as is necessary (approval letter from IRB, co-teacher consent, etc...) 




Article ID: 145
Wed 2/16/22 11:50 AM
Tue 3/22/22 11:25 AM