Locating and Running VPN on Windows



Where is the Cisco AnyConnect (Cisco VPN) client on my Windows machine?


  1.  If using Windows, click on the Start Menu located on the bottom left hand corner of your screen


  1. On a Windows machine, find the Cisco folder then click on Cisco.  Than click on Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client to open it

  2. If prompted for a Server, enter vpn.mnsu.edu
  3. Enter your StarID for the Username and your StarID Password for the Password and click OK

  1. Your VPN client will now connect
  2. To verify that you are connected on a Windows machine, click the up arrow located to the left of your clock in the bottom right hand corner of your screen
  3. The circular symbol with a pad lock on it signifies that you are connected. If you do not see the locked padlock, you are not connected




Article ID: 213
Tue 2/22/22 4:21 PM
Mon 6/10/24 11:45 AM