Outlook - Share Your Calendar/Mailbox



How do I let someone else view my calendar?


Questions related to article here

  1. With Microsoft Outlook open, go to the menu bar at the top of the screen and choose Outlook and then choose Preferences
  2. Click the account that you want to add a delegate to, choose Advanced, and then choose Delegates
  3. In this view, you should be able to see Delegates who can act on my behalf, and People I am a delegate for.
  4. To share items with a user, Click the plus icon to the bottom left of Delegates who can act on my behalf
  5. In the Choose a Person box that appears, search for the name of the person you would like to share items with, then click their name and Click Add
  6. The next box that appears will allow you to set granular permissions for that specific user
  7. These permissions include access to:
    1. Calendar
    2. Tasks
    3. Inbox
    4. Contacts
    5. Notes
  8. Depending on your relationship with the person you’re sharing these items with you will want to choose one of the following levels of access for each item:
    1. None– This person has no access to this item
    2. Reviewer– Can read items. Cannot add items
    3. Author– Can both read and create items
    4. Editor– Can read, create, and modify items. Editor access is almost full access. Please be careful to whom you grant this level of access.
    5. From this screen, you can also select to choose if your delegates should receive your meeting invites for you, if that delegate can see items, you mark as private and there is also a check box that asks if you would like to email a permissions summary to this person to let them know that they have been granted permission to your items
  9. Once you have set your permissions, Click OK to finish
  10. If you would like to edit permissions after the initial setting, Click the cog icon to the bottom right of the delegated who can act on my behalf box
  11. When you’re finished, Click OK to apply delegate settings




Article ID: 282
Wed 3/2/22 6:02 PM
Fri 12/27/24 12:37 PM