What is Video Assignment? What is Bongo? How do I use Video Assignment?
It is recommend to use Media Space for your video assessment needs. Media Space is our campus enterprise, premium licensed technology and has no license limitations for use. Both instructors and students have access to Media Space and is fully integrated into D2L Brightspace.
Bongo Video Assignment
Video Assignment is an asynchronous video assessment technology. When set-up, students can create or upload brief videos to a specific Video Assignment. If peer review is turned on, students and instructors can watch and respond to others' videos with a text or a video. The comment is then stored or stamped at a specific time in the video creating an asynchronous discussion.
Bongo is the company that created the Video Assignment technology. Minnesota State University, Mankato has a limited use license for the Bongo Video Assignment integration through D2L Brightspace. The limited license allows instructors to create Individual assignment types and turn peer review on or off in.
To set-up a Bongo Video Assignment:
- Navigate to Content.
- Click the Module you wish to add a Video Assignment to.
- Click Existing Activities button.
- Click Video Assignment from the menu.
- Click the Individual assignment button to create an assignment.
- Enter in the Name and Instructions for the assignment. Note: You may also choose to add a due date or change the scoring method, however, the dates and grades in video assignment do not connect to your D2L Brightspace Grades or Calendar.
- Select Peer Review on or off.
- If applicable, Enter in the number of required Peer Review.
- Click Save.
- Then click the title of the assignment you just created.
- You will see an External Learning Tool link created in the Content module. This link is how your students can access the assignment and where instructors can view submissions. Note: If you add a due date or a grade to this Content link, it will add to the Calendar and Grades tool in your D2L Brightspace course.
Learn more about Video Assignment by Bongo on their support center.