How do I obtain a TechID, StarID, MavMAIL/email, and MavCARD for employees not hired by Minnesota State University, Mankato Human Resources (HR)?


Those that are employed or volunteer to work for The University but are not paid or hired by MSU-Mankato Human Resources and need to have access to University computer or door access need to obtain a MSU, Email, TechID, StarID, and MavCARD identity card. This process is required to get those initial resources.



I'm an employee or consultant that has been hired or has volunteered to work for MSU-Mankato, but I was not hired by MSU-Mankato's Human Resources. How do get access to the following resources?

  • MavMAIL - Email
  • MavCARD - MSU-Mankato identity card
  • Door Access
  • StarID
  • TechID


Those that are employed or volunteer to work for The University but are not paid or hired by MSU-Mankato Human Resources and need to have access to University computer or door access need to obtain a MSU Email, TechID, StarID, and MavCARD identity card. This process is required to get those initial resources.

Since you are not an MSU-Mankato HR hired employee, we refer to you as a member of a cohort, or an affiliate member. You will need to have an MSU-Mankato employee sponsor you to make this request on your behalf to become a affiliate/cohort.

University Sponsored Affiliates Policy

Those members who are granted to be Sponsored Affiliates are covered in the University Sponsored Affiliates policy. That should be reviewed by the Sponsor and the Affiliate.


  • Cohort/Affiliate - a group of like employees, such as consultant, or volunteer
  • MavCARD - the MSU-Mankato identity card, it is a picture ID card that allows door access
  • MavMAIL - MSU Email, these end in
  • Sponsor - an MSU-Mankato employee that takes responsibility and requests cohort/affiliate accounts on your behalf
  • StarID - a Minnesota identity number that looks like aa0000zz, it is unique for you for all the Minnesota State University schools, you should only have on of these.
  • TechID - a Minnesota identity number that looks like 12345678, it is unique for you at MSU-Mankato, you should only have one of these.

Steps to Obtain your Minnesota State Mankato Identity

  1. Contact your employee Sponsor and ask them to contact IT Solutions to have them obtain a Cohort/Affiliate account for you. Your sponsor will need the following information from you to get his process started,as they will need this info. to request the Cohort/Affiliate account:
    1. your full legal name,
    2. your personal email address,
    3. your personal US mailing address,
    4. your telephone number,
    5. Social Security Number (SSN*),
    6. Date of Birth (DOB*)
  2. Your Sponsor submits the request with your information.
  3. An IT Solutions team member processes your request with your information.
  4. An email will be sent to you, at the email you gave to your sponsor. Look for this message, it might be delivered to your spam or junk mail folder
    1. From:
    2. Subject: Welcome to Minnesota State! Information needed for system access
    3. This is an example message
  5. Use the link after "Please visit" to continue the process.
  6. The link that will open in your web browser will look like this:
  7. Please choose one of the bullet points and then select one of the "click here" links.
    1. It is very important to be sure you have no affiliations or been a member, as a student or employee at any of the Minnesota State colleges or universities in the Minnstate System.
    2. If you have ever been a member of these Minnstate institutions, you should not use the first link.
    3. If you are unsure, please contact your sponsor, or reply to the ticket that will be created for you that you are unsure and would like to consult. But don't guess. Wait to click on a link until you are sure.
    4. Choosing the wrong option here can significantly delay your identity creation.
  8. You will be given further steps after this link. Follow those instructions.
  9. A member of the IT Solutions team will contact you with your TechID, StarID, MavMAIL, and email address. You will also be given links to where to change your password, and connect with MavMAIL.
  10. Your sponsor will also be given this information.
  11. At this point you are now a cohort/affiliate member.
  12. Audit: Once a year you and your cohort will be asked to re-confirm your status as a current member of the affiliate/cohort group. You will be contacted at your MavMAIL and original email address you used to created this request.

*Note: SSN and DOB are required for those getting Identities due to the fact that these are state issued Identities, and Identity Cards.




Article ID: 576
Mon 9/26/22 3:35 PM
Tue 7/30/24 9:32 AM