Document Conversion


We currently have ITS staff available to assist faculty in getting documents converted.  Guidelines to submit a request are as follows:

  1. Contact the IT Solutions Center in any one of the following ways:
  • Call 507-389-6654
  • E-mail
  • Submit a ticket with IT Solutions
  • In person: The IT Solutions Center is located in the lower level Centennial Student Union and 1st floor Memorial Library (near the MavPRINT stations)
  1. Identify the following:
  • Documents/materials that require conversion
  • Semester/Session documents will be viewed, for example, Fall '21
  • Due date(s) of when you need the converted documents/materials available for viewing

If needed, Accessible Technologies will contact you to finalize the details for your request.

You are asked to provide the requested documents to Accessible Technologies.


  1. How long does the document conversion process take?
  • It takes approximately 3 to 5 business days for document conversion requests. This depends on the length of the document and project load at the time of the request.
  1. Is there any cost to the requesting department?
  • There is no cost to the requesting department for document conversion requests for academic use.






Article ID: 6
Tue 1/18/22 12:43 PM
Thu 10/10/24 12:31 PM