D2L Brightspace: Add Feedback in Grades



How do I add feedback to a grade item? How can I share personalized feedback with a student?


Note: If you have associated an Assignment, Discussion or Quiz to a grade item, we recommend you provide feedback through the Grade options in those tools. The association then syncs the any feedback  to Grades automatically.

To add feedback to a Grade item:

  1. Navigate to the course you wish to add feedback to.
  2. Click the Assessments menu.
  3. Click Grades.
  4. Click the Manage Grades tab.

navigate to the manage grades tab through grades in the assesmsent menu

  1. Click the arrow next to the Grade item you wish to add feedback to.
  2. Click Enter Grades.
  3. Click the pencil icon in the feedback column to edit or enter feedback. Enter or edit feedback.
  4. Click Save to return to the enter grades page.
  5. Click Save and Close at the bottom of the page.

click the action menu in a grade item to select enter grades

Click the pencil icon in the feedback column to add feedback




Article ID: 664
Thu 4/13/23 3:38 PM
Fri 12/27/24 2:55 PM