Share Voicemail Inbox Access


How do I share my voicemail inbox with someone? 

How to share your own voicemail inbox

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. Click Phone.
  3. Click the Settings tab.
  4. Next to Voicemail & Videomail, to the right of Access, click Set.
  5. In the User box, select User or Common Area, then in the search box, search or type the user's or common area's name you wish to give voicemail messages access.
  6. Select a phone user or common area, then click Save.
  7. (Optional) To the right of the user's name, click the X, then click Remove to revoke access from the user.
    Note: You can't remove access for phone users to access their own voicemails.


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Article ID: 676
Mon 5/8/23 3:16 PM
Mon 5/8/23 3:16 PM