D2L Brightspace: Emergency Instructor Course Access


In the event that an instructor needs to substitute for another instructor during the course of a semester or after a semester has completed and contains the previous instructor's intellectual property in the D2L Brightspace course shell, please follow the steps below to receive approval prior to contacting IT Solutions for enrollment.

To request an emergency enrollment of a substitute instructor in a D2L Brightspace course shell:

  1. The Department Chair should make a request to the Dean of their college to substitute instructors.

  2. The Dean will make the request for the substitute instructor to have course access to Human Resources.

  3. Human Resources will evaluate the situation and once approved, they will make the substitution request to IT Solutions.

  4. Once the instructor is enrolled in the course by IT Solutions, the department admin staff should update the instructor of record in ISRS to officially change the instructor*.

*If an instructor is substituted prior to semester start and the course shell is empty of the previous instructor's intellectual property, please contact your department admin staff to update the instructor of record in ISRS and D2L Brightspace will automatically update once the instructor of record is changed.



Article ID: 1036
Wed 12/13/23 3:17 PM
Wed 7/24/24 9:15 AM