Software Center: Opening in Windows



How do I access programs in Software Center?
How can I install programs on my campus owned PC computer?


  1. Press the Windows Key on the Keyboard or Press the windows logo in the lower left-hand corner of the desktop

  1. Scroll down the list of programs until you see Microsoft Endpoint Manager.

Software Center Microsoft Endpoint Manger listing

  1. Click to expand the Microsoft Endpoint Manager.

Software Center Expand icon

  1. Click on the Software Center.

Software Center Start Menu

  1. From this screen, you can download any program listed.
    • Note:  This will only show software you or your computer is authorized for as some requires the software to be purchased from the campus computer store.

 Software Center Applications list



Article ID: 281
Wed 3/2/22 5:53 PM
Fri 12/27/24 9:51 AM

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