Qualtrics: Report for a Subgroup of Respondents



One of my Qualtrics survey questions asks the respondents to indicate whether they are faculty, students, or staff. How do I create a customized survey report for students only?


You can use filters to create a report in Qualtrics to only display survey responses that meet specific criteria.

For example, if a survey question asks to indicate role, such as faculty, student, or staff, a filter allows you to limit a report to those who selected student.

To apply a filter to report:

  1. Log in to Qualtrics, from the Main Menu, click Projects.
  2. In Projects, locate and click the survey for which you would like to create a report.
  3. The survey will open, click the Report tab.
  4. Click the Create Report button -or- click Report in the top left corner, then click New from the menu.
  5. Enter a name for the report.
  6. Click Add Filter in the top right corner.
  7. Click the Survey name, then click Manage Filters.
  8. Click Create a Filter.
  9. Enter a name for the filter.
  10. Click Select field.
  11. From the drop-down list, select the survey question that asks the respondents to indicate whether they are faculty, students or staff.
  12. Click Select an Operator, then click Is.
  13. Click Select an Operand, then from the response choice drop-down list, select Student.
  14. Click Save and Apply.




Article ID: 354
Tue 3/22/22 7:34 PM
Tue 6/25/24 11:23 AM

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Qualtrics is a web-based survey software for creative, collaborative, and highly customizable user response collection.