D2L Brightspace: Focus on feedback with grades or marks witholding



How can I help students reflect on feedback? What is one way to hide scores on assignments until I decide to release them? What is marks withholding?


What is marks withholding?

According to Kuepper-Tetzel (2021) "Temporary mark withholding is a feedback strategy whereby on assignments students are provided with the feedback first without their marks [marks are grades such as points, percentages, or letters] – then, a few days later, the marks are released to them.

The idea behind temporary mark withholding is to provide students with time to engage and process the feedback before releasing the grades. Students tend to focus on grades at the expense of written feedback – which may be detrimental to increasing future performance."

See: Kuepper-Tetzel, C. E., & Gardner, P. L. (2021). Effects of temporary mark withholding on academic performance. Psychology Learning & Teaching, 1475725721999958. Referenced in LearningScientists.org blog post titled "Increasing Academic Performance Through Marks Withholding."

Marks Withholding in D2L Brightspace

One way to withhold grades/marks temporarily in D2L Brightspace is with grades schemes and display settings. Note: This workflow is just one option to explore. It assumes two things: (1) that the Assignment submission folder is associated or linked with the grade item in this workflow, and (2) there is NOT a points-based Rubric being used for evaluation.

There are three steps:

  1. Set-up the Grade Scheme
  2. Change the Grade Item Settings
  3. Release the Points/Grade to Students

Step 1. Set-up the Grade Scheme

  1. Navigate to Grades.
  2. Click the Schemes tab.
  3. Click the New Scheme button.
  4. Enter a title, for example, "Marks Withholding Scheme"
  5. Under the Ranges header, enter a brief message in the Symbol textbox, such as "Please Review Feedback."
  6. In the Start % text box enter 0, in the Assigned Value % text box enter 100.
  7. Click the trash can icon in the Remove column to delete any remaining ranges so there is only one range from 0 to 100.
  8. Click Save and Close.

Screen Shot of grade scheme set up for markswithholding


Step 2. Change the Grade Item Settings

Adjust the grade item to display to students the grade scheme symbol of "Please Review Feedback" (or another message you entered) and temporarily hide points or letter grades.

  1. Navigate to Grades.
  2. Click the Manage Grades tab.
  3. Click the title of the grade item you wish to withhold marks on to edit.
  4. Scroll down and select the "Marks Withholding Grade Scheme" from the Grade Scheme drop down menu.
  5. Click the Show Display Options link to expand the menu.
  6. Check the box next to Override Display Options for Students.
  7. Uncheck the box next to Points and Weighted Grade.
  8. Check the box next to Grade Scheme Symbol.
  9. Click Save and Close.
  10. Student will now only see the message in your Marks withholding grade scheme and no points or percentages.

Screen Shot of grade item settings for scheme and student display for marks withholding


Step 3. Release Grades/Points to Students

Assess the student's work in Assignments as one typically would, entering in a point value to grade the work and include any feedback or prompts for revision. It might also be helpful to use Quicklinks to link to an additional Quiz or Assignment where students submit a reflection or revision based on feedback.

A few days later, when you are ready to release the points, percentage, or letter grade to students, follow these steps to update the grade item:

  1. Navigate to Grades.
  2. Click the Manage Grades tab.
  3. Click the title of the grade item you wish to withhold marks on to edit.
  4. Scroll down and select the Default Scheme from the Grade Scheme drop down menu.
  5. Click the Show Display Options link to expand the menu.
  6. Uncheck the box next to Override Display Options for Students.
  7. Click Save and Close.
  8. Students will now see the points, percentages, or letter grades for that grade item.

Screen Shot of grade item scheme and display settings to release points or letter grades




Article ID: 579
Thu 10/6/22 2:46 PM
Fri 6/14/24 9:28 AM