Respondus: Give a Student Special Access in Quizzes to opt out of Respondus



How do I offer my students the ability to opt out of using Respondus Monitor? How do I allow one student the option to not use Respondus Monitor on a D2L Brightspace quiz?


Note: Current University guidance from the Office of the Provost states, "please provide the following information to your students prior to the beginning of the semester and in your syllabus: Opt-out procedures (unless program accreditation mandates remote proctoring)"

Use Special Access on Quizzes to allow selected students to take the quiz without Respondus Monitor (“opt out”).

  1. Edit the preferred Quiz.
  2. Click the down arrow next to Availability Dates & Conditions widget.
  3. Click the Manage Special Access link.

Special access is managed in the availability dates and conditions widget in quizzes

  1. Select Allow selected users special access to this quiz.

special access has two options the first one allows special access for a specific student and keeps the settings the same for all other students

  1. Click Add Users to Special Access.
  2. Under the LockDown Browser section, check the box next to Not required to take this quiz.

in special access options the lockdown browser setting allows opt out


  1. Under the Users section, check the box next to the name of the Student(s) you wish to grant the “opt out” of Respondus Monitor for this specific quiz.

you must add a specific user to special access

  1. Click the Add Special Access button.
  2. Click Save and Close.

You will now see the Special Access changes listed by student.

Special access displays changes to quiz access by student




Article ID: 653
Fri 3/24/23 12:41 PM
Fri 12/27/24 2:11 PM