Accounts and Access

Includes StarID information, password resets, guest account(s) and more.

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Articles related to all Multi-Factor Authentication

Articles (16)

Change Multi-Factor Authentication to Microsoft Authenticator App

This article shows step-by-step how to change your Multi-Factor Authentication method to the Microsoft Authenticator App?

Employee On-Campus Information Change Form

Refer to the Employee On-Campus Information Change form to update your phone number, department, building location, title, room number etc.

How do I obtain a TechID, StarID, MavMAIL/email, and MavCARD for employees not hired by Minnesota State University, Mankato Human Resources (HR)?

Those that are employed or volunteer to work for The University but are not paid or hired by MSU-Mankato Human Resources and need to have access to University computer or door access need to obtain a MSU, Email, TechID, StarID, and MavCARD identity card. This process is required to get those initial resources.

JSTOR Login Issues

JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million journal articles, books, images, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.

Scholarship Finder: Logging in as a Reference or Reviewer

MNSU Faculty, Staff, and External Community Resources who are asked to be references or reviewers for students who are applying for a scholarship via the Scholarship Finder app must log in to Scholarship Finder using their StarID or Blackbaud ID to complete the Reference or Reviewer process.

This guide will walk you through the recently revised steps to access Scholarship Finder’s References and Reviewers page.