University Communication Tools


A a comprehensive guide of resources to help University faculty and staff best communicate messages to their audience about emergencies, news, events, or other announcements.



How do I communicate campus-wide messages? How do I share information with the campus audiences? What communications tools are available for marketing campaigns?

Quick links:


Are you a staff or faculty member needing to get information out to the campus community, but not sure where to start with marketing? Use the guide below to help you best communicate with your audience about emergencies, news, events, or other announcements.

Are we missing a communication tool, or have suggestions, changes, or updates? Let us know! Email

Employee Communication Guide

Use this to help guide your communication when your audience is faculty and staff.

Purpose & Timing

This is the type or category of your information.

Channels & Tactics

This is how you can spread the information.


This is who is in charge of the information.

Level 1 - Crisis / emergency

  • Example: StarAlert messages, like campus closure
  • When to send: Immediate notifications required

See the protocol and channels outlined in the established procedures for class cancelation.

For emergencies, refer to: 


Level 2: Administrative announcement or directives 

  • Example: Messages from cabinet members or on behalf of their division, like University policy changes.
  • When to send: Immediate notifications typically not required but can be time sensitive 

Highly Recommended: 

  • Email to All Staff list  
  • Employee focused email newsletters 
  • Social media 

 Other Channels: 

  • Update or add to website 
  • D2L faculty announcement (academic-related only)
  • Campus digital displays 

Cabinet member

Level 3: News 

  • Example: Pertinent info, news, announcements, and updates of interest to staff and faculty, like fire alarm testing
  • When to send: Immediate notifications typically not required 

Highly Recommended: 

  • Website news feed 
  • Employee focused email newsletters 
  • Social media 

Other Channels:

  • Appropriate website page update 
  • D2L faculty focused announcement (academic-related only) 
  • Campus digital displays 
Division, college, department or program responsible or to whom the news pertains 

Level 4: Events  

  • Example: Events open to all and/or of interest to a large percentage of employees, like new student rally
  • When to send: Immediate notifications typically not required

Highly Recommended: 

  • University events calendar 
  • Employee focused email newsletters 
  • Social media 

Other Channels:

  • Live broadcast your event 
  • Print promotions 
  • Campus digital displays 
Division, college, department or program in charge of the event 

Student Communication Guide

Use this to help guide your communication when your audience is students.

Purpose & Timing

This is the type or category of your information.

Channels & Tactics

This is how you can spread the information.


This is who is in charge of the information.

Level 1 - Crisis / emergency

  • Example: StarAlert messages, like campus closure
  • When to send: Immediate notifications required

See the protocol and channels outlined in the established procedures for class cancelation.

For emergencies, refer to: 


Level 2: Administrative announcement or directives 

  • Example: Messages from cabinet members or on behalf of their division, like University policy changes.
  • When to send: Immediate notifications typically not required but can be time sensitive 
Highly Recommended: 
  • Mav Life wall news post 
  • Email All Student list 
  • Website posting 
  • Social media 
  • Student focused email newsletters 

Other Channels: 

  • Mav Life tile or banner 
  • D2L student focused announcement (academic-related only)
  • Campus digital displays 
Cabinet member

Level 3: News 

  • Example: Pertinent info, news, announcements, and updates of interest to students, like fire alarm testing
  • When to send: Immediate notifications typically not required 

Highly Recommended: 

  • Website news or page update 
  • Mav Life wall news post 
  • Social media 
  • Student focused email newsletters 

Other Channels: 

  • Campus digital displays 
  • D2L student focused announcement (academic-related only) 
Division, college, department or program responsible or to whom the news pertains 

Level 4: Events  

  • Example: Events open to all and/or of interest to a large percentage of students, like new student rally
  • When to send: Immediate notifications typically not required 

Highly Recommended: 

  • Mav Life event 
  • Website event 
  • University events calendar 
  • Social media 
  • Student focused email newsletters 

Other Channels: 

  • Mav Life wall news post 
  • Campus digital displays 
  • Live broadcast your event 
  • Print promotions 
Division, college, department or program in charge of the event

Communication Resources & Tools

Use these tactics to distribute your information across campus to different audiences.


Email Newsletters 

Broad email communications that happen across campus that may be open to including additional content. 





ResLife Newsletter
  • ResLife students
  • Weekly during school year (Mondays)
Nicole Faust Salesforce CRM & Beefree
Maverick Insider
  • Students
  • Weekly during semester (Sunday evening)

Lenny Koupal 

Salesforce CRM & Beefree
New Student & Family Programs Newsletter
  • New students and their parents/family
  • 1st and 3rd week of every month during school year
Riley Devenport CampusESP
IT Solutions “Tech Updates” Newsletters
  • All staff/faculty & all students (must be technology related)
  • Beginning and end of fall and spring semesters
Lexi Ajayi Salesforce CRM & Beefree


Options for printing and distributing physical materials on campus.






CAN (Captive Audience Newsletter) Bathrooms in the CSU
  • 2” x 2” 
Centennial Student Union 

Lenny Koupal

Posters – CSU   Various around CSU
  • 11” x 17” 
  • Max qty: 7 
Centennial Student Union 

Lenny Koupal

Posters – Memorial Library Various around Memorial Library
  • 11” x 17” or 
  • 8.5” x 11”
Memorial Library  N/A
Posters – ResLife  Residence communities
  • 11” x 17” 
  • Max qty: 6
ResLife  Nicole Faust 
Posters – Academic buildings General bulletins in academic buildings  11” x 17”  Centennial Student Union (requires stamp) 

Lenny Koupal

Civility Poster Frames  14 locations across campus (have to confirm) 
  • 24’’ x 36’’ 
  • Max qty: 14
Marketing & Communications  Sara Frederick
Security Glass Poster Cases Across campus 
  • 11” x 17”
  • 8.5” x 11” 
  • Max qty: 42
University Security Sandi Schnorenberg
Interoffice Print Mail  N/A N/A
  • Creative Production & Photocopying Services 
  • Postal Services 

Ryan Schuh

Tammy Trcka

Dining Center Table Tents Dining Center
  • 4”x 6”, cardstock 
  • Max qty: 140 
ResLife  Nicole Faust

Book table tents online

Digital Displays

Digital TV displays on campus that may be open to featuring content.





Indoor Centennial Student Union Several located around the CSU  Centennial Student Union

Lenny Koupal 

Outdoor Centennial Student Union
  • North entrance
    • Specs: 270px x 150px (9'x5')
    • Details: Images or short videos
  • South entrance
    • Specs: 108px x 72px (3'x2')
    • Details: Text only
Centennial Student Union Lenny Koupal 
IT Solutions
  • 1 in Wigley Administration 
  • 1 near the IT Solutions Center (Lower Level CSU)
  • 1 in ITS office (ML 3010) 
IT Solutions Lexi Ajayi
Morris Hall  N/A N/A  


Other tactics that are available to explore.






The Fountain Faculty and staff Internal site for employee news, info, and events. N/A Each division is assigned a content librarian for their division Fountain page who is responsible for sharing news and events from their areas. Submit an event or submit news
Mav Life  Students  Official University mobile app. IT Solutions Most departments have their own login info. If you're not sure, get started by submitting a ticket to IT Solutions
D2L Announcements  Either just faculty or all users (faculty, students, and staff)  A short announcement may be posted, must be academic-related. IT Solutions View more about the process and details
University Website   Students primary, public secondary  View tutorials & resources N/A

Most departments have website editors and publishers.

CSU Blog Students Story opportunities. Centennial Student Union

Lenny Koupal

Chelsea Schaffer

Microsoft Teams  Campus Communicators Social Media & Communications Team Marketing & Communications Sara Frederick
Video & Digital Media Production  N/A Service to produce content: live broadcasts, events, lecture capture, podcasts, promo, etc. IT Solutions
University Events Calendar  Students, faculty, staff  Events calendar that lists campus-wide events. University Scheduling & Conference Services Shirley Piepho
Social media posts  Students, faculty, staff Utilize your department’s social media platforms to share messages, ask other departments to share/repost. N/A N/A 
Giveaways/Swag/Promo items Students, faculty, staff Explore fun tactics like branded merchandise and giveaways. Creative Production Ryan Schuh



Article ID: 265
Wed 3/2/22 2:55 PM
Tue 7/2/24 3:41 PM

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