Account is getting locked out



Why is my account locked? Why does my account keep getting locked out?


Accounts generally get  locked automatically if there are three or more incorrect log in attempts using your CAMPUS username and password.  This usually happens after some one changes their password but their old password is still saved somewhere on their machine.  If your account keeps getting locked out, follow these steps to unlocking it:

Table of Contents:

Clear User Passwords:

  1. Click on the Windows button in the lower left corner.
  2. Type Manage Network and select on Manage Network Password.
  3. Look through both Web Credentials and Windows Credential sections.  You are looking for saved credentials for things like MavPRINT, MavDISK, or MavNET.
  4. If you locate something for MavPRINT, MavDISK, or MavNET, click on the drop down area to the right of the name
  5. Either click Edit if you want to try and update the password or click remove.

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Clear MavDISK Mapping:

  1. Click the Windows button in the lower left corner.
  2. Type This PC and select This PC.
  3. Locate Network locations section.
  4. Right-click on the drive mapped to MavDISK, which may be labeled username$(\\mavdisk).
  5. Select Disconnect from the popup menu.
  6. Repeat if you Department or MSU.

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Clear MavPRINT Connection:


  1. Click on the Windows button in the lower left corner.
  2. Type Print and select Printers & scanners.
  3. For each MavPRINT print queue listed (i.e., MavPRINTBW or MavPRINTColor), click on the printer and click on Remove device.


  1. Click on System Preferences on the dock.
  2. Select Users & Groups under the System section.
  3. Once the Users & Groups page shows up, select your name at the left hand side.
  4. Click Change Password that shows up in the middle section to the right of your profile picture.
  5. Enter your current password, new password, verify your new password.
  6. Once all of this is filled in, select Change Password at the bottom right.
  7. Restart your computer and you should be set to use MavPRINT again.

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Clear MavNet-Encrytped Windows:

  1. Click on the Windows button in the lower left corner.
  2. Type wifi, select Wi-FI settings.
  3. Click on Manage known networks.
  4. Select MavNet-Encrytped and click on Forget.
    • Note:  It is considered best practice to forget any Wi-Fi connections that appear in that you don't commonly use or any old ones.
    • Note:  Going forward you should use eduroam.

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Clear MavNet-Encrypted Mac:

  1. Click on Finder.
  2. On the top bar, click Go, located to the right of the apple symbol.
  3. In the menu that drops down, click on Utilities.
  4. When the window opens up, click on Keychain Access.
  5. In the Keychain Access page click on MavNet-Encrypted and press the delete key.
  6. Click on delete
    • Note:  It is considered best practice to forget any Wi-Fi connections that appear in that you don't commonly use or any old ones.
    • Note:  Going forward you should use eduroam.

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Clear Saved Passwords Microsoft Edge:

  1. Open Microsoft Edge.
  2. Click on the ellipse icon (3 dots) in the upper right corner.
    • Edge ellipse icons
  3. Click on Settings.
  4. Make sure you are in the Profiles section.
  5. In the right pane click on Passwords.
  6. Do one of the following:
    • Delete:
      1. Select any listed under site heading.
      2. Click on the Delete button.
        • Edge Delete
    • Edit:
      1. Locate all of your listed under the site heading.
        • Edge Passwords
      2. You will need to do this one by one for each site by clicking on the ellipse icon (3 dots) to the right of the password.
      3. Click on edit.
      4. Enter the password that you use to log into windows and press the OK button.
        • Windows Security prompt
      5. Update the password to your new one.
        • Note:  You will only be able to change the password and not the username.
        • Password edit prompt
      6. Click on the Done button.
      7. Repeat for the other accounts

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Clear Saved Passwords From Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Open Firefox.
  2. Click on the 3 lines icon in the upper right corner.
    • Firefox Settings
  3. Click on Password.
  4. Locate all the passwords.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • Delete:
      1. Select domain on the left side navigation.
      2. Click on Remove.
      3. Click on Remove again to verify the removal.
    • Edit:
    1. Select domain on the left side navigation.
    2. Click on Edit.
    3. In the prompt update the Password listed and verify the Username is correct.
    4. Click on Save Changes.

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Clear Saved Passwords From Google Chrome:

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Click on the 3 dots on top of each other icon in the upper right corner.
    • Chrome Settings
  3. Click on Settings.
  4. Click on Autofill on the left side menu.
  5. Click on Passwords in the center menu.
  6. Locate all the passwords under Site.
  7. Do one of the following:
    • Delete:
      1. Click on the 3 stacked dots to the right of the password.
      2. Click on Remove.
    • Edit:
    1. Click on the 3 stacked dots to the right of the password.
    2. Click on Edit.
    3. Enter the password that you use to log into windows and press the OK button.
      • Windows Security prompt
    4. In the prompt update the Password listed and verify the Username is correct.
    5. Click on Save.

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Article ID: 374
Fri 4/1/22 12:25 PM
Thu 7/25/24 11:47 AM