Turnitin: Test submit or submit drafts to Turnitin in D2L Brightspace



How to test submit papers or submit drafts for a Similarity Report to Turnitin without saving the paper to the Turnitin database?


NOTE: Before following these steps, you must set up an Turnitin on your Assignments folder. You must complete these steps before students submit to the Assignment.

  1. Navigate to Assignments.
  2. Locate the Assignments folder you want to add a test/draft submission to Turnitin on. Click the arrow next to title of the folder.
  3. Click Edit Assignment.
  4. Click on the arrow next to the Evaluation & Feedback widget, click the Manage Turnitin.


Find the Manage Turnitin settings in the evaluation and feedback widget

  1. Scroll down. Click the More Options button. 

In the manage turnitin page click more options to change the submission settings

  1. In the pop-up window, Under Submission settings, click the drop-down menu and select Do not store the submitted papers.

Optional submission settings in Turnitin let you select whether to store the papers to the repository or not

  1. Scroll down and click Submit to save changes in the Optional Settings.
  2. Click the Save button in the Manage Turnitin window.
  3. Finally, in the Edit Assignments page, click the Save and Close button.







Article ID: 645
Fri 3/10/23 3:55 PM
Fri 12/27/24 1:37 PM