Turnitin: Set-up a class and assignment in Turnitin.com



What is a workaround if Turnitin isn't working in D2L Brightspace Assignments? How do I submit a file to Turnitin.com on behalf of a student or for myself?


NOTE: If you are using D2L Brightspace for your class, you do not need to set any of this up, Turnitin is integrated directly into the Assignments submission folders.

First, login to you Turnitin.com account. You can follow the steps in this support article to help you login to Turnitin.com.

Then, make sure you are in your Instructors tool tab.

  1. Click the Add class button- or- select the course from the list you wish to add an assignment to.

  1. Enter the correct information in the text boxes. Click submit. Note: The enrollment key can be any combination of numbers, this is given to students so they can submit files to your specific Turnitin.com class. If you plan to submit files on behalf of students, there is no need to share the key.

  1. Take note of the Class ID and enrollment key to share with your students, if you choose.
  2. In the home page, Click the name of the course, then Click Add Assignment button.

  1. Enter the Assignment title and set the dates. Click Submit.


Follow the steps in this article to submit a file to Turnitin.com for yourself or on behalf of a student.




Article ID: 650
Fri 3/17/23 11:53 AM
Thu 6/13/24 2:12 PM