Alcohol Wise Student Login Issues


How do I get support for issues with Alcohol-Wise 


An error may occur during login to the Alcohol-Wise class from Student Health Services. If your primary contact email address is different from your MavMail email, it can cause login issues. If you are having problems logging into the SHS Alcohol-Wise course, perform the following:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Select the option Sign into profile and have them sign in with their StarID and Password
  3. Click on the pencil next to Change StarID Notification email and click on your student MNSU email
  4. Click on the tab Office 365 Contact, and make sure your student contact email is set to your MNSU email address
  5. If issue persists after 24 hours, request help. 


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Thu 1/27/22 9:53 AM
Thu 6/27/24 10:15 AM