
Tags Workday

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Workday is a cloud-based system where employees can complete tasks like entering time, creating reports, managing purchases, and many other HR and finance tasks. Workday is a part of the NextGen Project, a system-wide project to implement new, modern technology in Minnesota State colleges and universities in the coming years.

How to Access

Access on the web or download the mobile app on the App Store or Google Play, use company name minnstate when prompted. Workday is also an icon in your University Microsoft 365 app menu. Log  in with your ​​​​​​and StarID password and complete multi-factor authentication.

Log in to Workday

Need Workday assistance? Submit a ticket

Workday Known Issues  

Who Can Use It

​​Green check mark indicating "Yes" Staff: Yes

Green check mark indicating "Yes" Faculty: Yes

Red X indicating "No" Students: No

Red X indicating "No" Alumni: No

Red X indicating "No" Emeriti: No

Device Compatibility

Green check mark indicating "Yes" Windows: Yes

Green check mark indicating "Yes" Mac: Yes

Green check mark indicating "Yes" Chromebook: Yes

Green check mark indicating "Yes" iOS: Yes

Green check mark indicating "Yes" Android: Yes

Additional Cost

Money icon with red cross mark through it indicating "no additional cost" No additional cost

Workday Assistance

Related Articles (1)

The article explains the impact of Workday implementation on staffing and hiring processes, including deadlines for postings, the pause on internal bids, and the timeline for new hires, with references to available training resources.


Service Offering Id: 78
Mon 4/15/24 11:03 AM
Fri 7/26/24 10:40 AM