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Open a shared calendar in Outlook on Windows
Someone shared their calendar with me. How do I access it from Outlook?
How do I open someone's calendar in Outlook?
If you need someone to provide you access to
Adobe Creative Cloud: Install Control Panel
How do I install the Adobe Creative Cloud control panel?
Click on the start Menu
Type Software Center and click on the Software Center application
OneDrive - Uploading Files
How can I upload file into my OneDrive?
Login to your OneDrive at
Click Upload
Select file
Locate your file
Select the file you want to upload
Click open to add the file to your OneDrive
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Attach an email in Outlook for Windows
How can I attach an email in Outlook to another email?
Create a message, or for an existing message, click Reply, Reply All, or Forward.
In the message window, on
Employee On-Campus Information Change Form
Refer to the Employee On-Campus Information Change form to update your phone number, department, building location, title, room number etc. ... Question
How do I change or update my phone number or office location?
Please refer to Employee On-Campus Information Change Form
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Zoom Phone Quick Informational Videos
How can I get familiar with the Zoom Phone system? We've curated some great videos created by Zoom to help you learn key features below.
Quick Informational Videos
What is Zoom
Software Center: Installing Software on Windows
How do I install software from Software Center onto my computer? How do I install SPSS on my workstation?
Open Software Center.
Note: If you have questions on
Viewing Financial & Budget Information
Access financial information in Workday using the "RPT00092 Budget vs Actuals by Company with Encumbrances" report. ... In Workday, all "views" of financial information are reports.
To find and view your budget information in Workday, follow these steps:
Search: Use the search bar at the top of the page and
MATLAB: Install for Faculty and Students
How do I install Matlab?
What is MATLAB? Simulink?
MATLAB and Simulink are mathematical programming software for computing. They provide a variety of tools to help with
Forward Calls Internally on Zoom Phone
Zoom Phone easily allows you to forward calls internally. ... Question
How can I forward calls internally on Zoom Phone?
*NOTE: Looking for forwarding to an external number? Please see Forward to External Number on Zoom Phone
Click on
Installing Microsoft Office 365 in Chromebook
How to Install Office 365 in Chromebook
Please follow the instructions in the link below
Windows Printer Installation Verification
printer-install ... Question
How do I check if my network printer is installed correctly on my windows machine?
To request access to a network printer for a windows machine or PC, please contact the
MavACCESS: Accessibility Resources Software
What is MavACCESS?
MavACCESS is an online accommodations system that is used by Accessibility Resources.
Issues with students inability to login to this resources should be referred to Accessibility Resources.
Qualtrics: View File Upload responses in Qualtrics
My Qualtrics survey includes a file upload question, how to I view what respondents uploaded? How do I download the files uploaded to a Qualtrics survey?
Access the
MuseScore: How to Install on a Chromebook
How do I install MuseScore?
To install MuseScore on a chromebook, please follow the Website's directions
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