
Tags Workday

View more grant information on The Fountain.

Is grant processing moving to Workday? How do I view my balance?
The process for requesting a grant or contract account is not changing. However, your grant/contract will be set up in Workday going forward, where you will be able to view the financial activity of your award. 

If you have a grant or contract that existed in ISRS prior to 7/1/24, please send an email to Tricia Anderson and request viewing access to your account in Workday. If it’s a grant, please include the name of the Lead Principal Investigator, co-Principal Investigator (there can be only one), and one additional person that you would like to have viewing access to your grant (for example, your department admin).

How do I receive my salary payout from my externally funded project?
This process has not changed. You must still complete the ‘Personnel Document for External Funding’ form through Adobe Sign and send it to the Grants Accountant in Business Services for approval.

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Article ID: 1083
Mon 7/1/24 2:27 PM
Mon 8/19/24 8:00 AM