
Tags Workday

Does everyone need to complete a timesheet? 
Everyone except IFO faculty need to do a timesheet. 

Do I have to login daily to enter my timesheet? 
You do not have to login every day to put your time in – you can enter your time once a week if you are auto filling from your schedule or are pulling from a created schedule. 

Will employees be reminded to submit their timesheets? 
Yes, Workday will send an alert for unsubmitted timecards either Thursday evening or Friday morning.  

When does payroll review timesheets?
Payroll reviews timesheets on Thursday afternoon after the end of a pay period.

What is the deadline for submitting and approving timesheets?
All changes or submissions must be submitted and approved by the supervisor by noon on Thursday to be processed within the same pay period.

What happens if I submit or approve timesheets after noon on Thursday?
Any changes or submissions made after noon on Thursday will be processed in the next pay period.

How do employees add on-call time? Do they enter just one hour as they used to, and can they see it after entering it? 
Employees should change the Time Type from Regular Hours Worked to the appropriate Time Entry Code for their situation. All worked time that should be paid at the on-call rate should be entered with the appropriate on-call coding. Campus HR should advise employees on the appropriate code to use in their specific situation. This also applies to shift differentials. 

Do employees now need to submit their time weekly, instead of bi-weekly? 
All non-faculty employees are required to submit timesheets each payroll period, starting with the July 3-16 pay period. MSCF and IFO are the only excluded employees. Time can be entered weekly or bi-weekly. Timesheets must be submitted bi-weekly, for each pay period, at a minimum. 

How do employees eligible for flex time enter flex time? 
When an eligible employee flexes their time, the time block entries should reflect the day(s) that hours were flexed. For example, if you flexed an hour on Monday and made it up on Tuesday, your timesheet would reflect an hour less on Monday and an hour more on Tuesday. Flexed hours need to be completed in the same payroll week. 

Will I get paid if I forget to submit my timesheet? 
Yes, exempt/salaried positions which are not required to report the exact hours worked in each day but rather are compensated based on their annual base pay on a biweekly basis. Hourly employees must submit a timesheet including hours worked to be compensated just as they are in current state. To help you remember to submit your timesheet, both you and your manager will receive reminders. Additionally, Campus HR and Payroll Partners will utilize available reporting to ensure timesheets are submitted. 

Will supervisors then get two (weekly) notifications that time has been entered? 
Each time an employee submits work time for approval, the supervisor will receive a task in their Workday inbox. Supervisors will not receive any other notifications. However, there are reports they can run or schedule to auto-run that will tell them if an employee has not entered time or has un-submitted time entered. 

Will I get paid if my manager forgets to approve my timesheet? 
Yes. To help managers remember to approve timesheets, after an employee submits their time, a notification will be sent to their manager. The manager has a due date of two days from the time an employee submits their time to review it. During this two-day period, additional reminders will be sent to the manager until they’ve reviewed the submission. 

Can I submit and/or approve timesheets from my mobile device? 
The plan is to have Workday mobile active by go-live. Once Workday mobile is active, you can submit and approve timesheets from your mobile device. 

Can entering time be delegated to someone else? 
In certain emergency circumstances, a manager or timekeeper may enter time on behalf of an employee. 

What if I am out of the office or on leave? 
You will still need to enter your time and, if applicable, delegate responsibilities for approvals prior to taking leave.

Is travel time (ex. to meetings, between campuses) recorded as worked time or not worked time?
This question would need to be answered by an employee’s campus HR office. 

How will employees request overtime? 
There is an overtime request process that allows employees to request overtime in advance. Additionally, employees can enter overtime on their timesheet which will require approval before being counted as overtime. 

Currently, we submit timesheets for the last two days of the work period before those days are complete. Will we still need to submit hours before they are actually worked? 
Yes, the payroll processing timeframe will not change when Workday goes live. We must continue to work within the deadlines specified by Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB). 

How come the system isn't set up automatically populated for time worked, and then employees enter modifications (i.e. time off)?
Minnesota State requires employees to enter their time worked and this is the way it is also set up in Workday.

We have an overnight employee who started at 11 PM on 7/2/24, and worked until 9 AM on 7/3/24. How do we account for the hour worked on 7/2/24? Should we enter 7 hours of S22 (shift differential) from 12 AM to 7 AM on 7/3/24 to account for the 7 hours of shift diff (11 PM-6 AM) that they should have received, and then 3 hours of REG pay from 7 AM to 10 AM to ensure they get the proper number of shift diff hours and REG hours?
Please check with your Campus HR representative to see if this is what is recommended.

To clarify, an employee can submit time multiple times in a pay period?
If there are changes to an employee's time for the week, they can make edits and re-submit changes for a week that has been previously submitted.

Are exempt employees supposed to enter in time worked or put 40 hours/week regardless of if they work over 40 hours?
Exempt employees should enter 40 hours per week unless they are eligible to earn comp time or overtime.

What happens if the employee works outside of their work schedule? Are they not allowed to enter hours unless their schedule is changed? Will they get an error that doesn't allow them to enter it? If their schedule is until 3 pm, but they stay until 4 pm, their manager has to change their schedule in order for that additional hour to be worked?
When an employee submits time each week they can enter the actual hours for that week even if it doesn’t match their schedule in the system.

If employees enter comments on their timecard, how can we see the notes/comments entered?
You can click the specific time entry on the timesheet and view the details of the request which will include the Business Process and any comments.

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Article ID: 1085
Mon 7/1/24 2:37 PM
Fri 8/23/24 7:51 AM

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