Leave & Absences

Do my requests from Employee Home already approved carry over to Workday?  
No, requests for time off beyond July 3rd and after must be re-entered by employees in Workday. This includes leave requests that have already been approved in Employee Home. Supervisors will need to reapprove any leave requests July 3, 2024, and after. Supervisors: please ensure to respond to leave requests in Employee Home for those future requests, as you would respond in Workday.   

So, if a supervisor has already approved vacation requests in the "absence" app, they have to compare the supervised employee's timecard against what they have already approved in the absence app?
Once a supervisor has approved a vacation request that process is complete. They still need to approve the employees timeslip for each pay-period.

If employees have already entered time-off requests in the absence app (and have had them approved by supervisor) the employee will have to re-enter all of the absence requests in the time card app?
No – if an employee has time off requests entered and approved in Workday, they will automatically show up on the calendar view of time entry for that week.

Is there a way for the timecard to autofill to reflect absences that have already been approved in Workday? My vacation days were approved in Workday and are showing in "absences" but they do not show up when I choose "autofill" for my timecard.
Auto-fill from schedule will only pull your regular scheduled work hours for the week. Your absences that have been submitted and approved will also show up in your calendar view for the week so there should be no need for double entry of absences.

To clarify, if it is for a FMLA time code (ex. FMV/FMS/FML), those should still go to Campus HR to approve whether a manager or employee enters it. That is what was communicated to me.
Yes, Campus HR still needs to approve FMLA time off requests regardless if it was a manager or employee who enters it.

How come my leave accrual doesn't look like it has been updated?

Leave accruals will happen in the same timeframe as the previous timekeeping system. eTime and payroll have to be completed in its entirety, and checks have to be issued. Please check your balances after your check has been issued. 

How to View and Understand Time Off Accrual Balances 

You may view time off balances directly from the employee profile by clicking on the Absence tab to see all current balances and accruals or you may view Time Off Results by Period. Each screen will provide the same details; however, Time Off Results by Period allows you to select the periods you would like to see. 

In the initial year in Workday, we will have beginning year balances that do not align with the last balances in ISRS/SEMA4. This is related to the difference in our snapshot date and the date that we went live in Workday. 

We want to pay close attention to the Beginning Period Balance starting in the period 7/3/2024. This will be the last balance in ISRS as of accruals for the period ending 7/2/2024. These balances were loaded into Workday. 

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Workers who have accruals take place in Workday (MSUAASF, IFO, MSCF and Administrators Plan) will see accruals in the Accrued in Period column when accruals occur. All accruals are credited at the end of the payroll period. The screenshot above shows accruals for an MSUAASF employee. 

  • Accrued Year to Date will total all accruals by plan for the fiscal year. If accrual is earned in a period it will add to the previous period balance and reflect a new year to date total. If there is no new accrual, then the same number from the previous row for that time off plan will appear until a new accrual is earned. 
  • Time off Paid Year to Date is the total of all time offs under the time off plan for the year to date based on the fiscal year. For example, all vacation will be totaled for the fiscal year. 
  • Beginning Period Balance this is the balance that was populated based on ISRS or SEMA4 balances as of 7/2/2024 and will update each payroll period. 
  • Accrued in period are the accruals for each payroll period. 
  • Time Off Paid in Period is the total all time offs for the time off plan in the payroll period. For example, all vacation will be totaled for the payroll period. 
  • Balance at End of Period this is the remaining balance for time off by plan at the end of the payroll period less and time off taken. 
  • Balance As of Date (Includes Events Awaiting Approval) this balance will include any time offs entered in the payroll period even if they are not approved yet. 

Workers who have accruals take place in SEMA4 will not see accruals in the Accrued in Period column because we are overriding the balances in each payroll period on Monday after paychecks are issued (the same schedule from ISRS). The screen shot below is for a MAPE employee where balances are overridden, and no accrual is viewed. 

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If the worker would like to see the change in balances by payroll period, they can look at the Time Off Results by Period report. This will show the selected time off plans and payroll periods. This report can be accessed by typing “Time Off Results by Period” into the search bar or from the Actions > Time and Absence > Time Off Results by Period. 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Click image to enlarge and view.

The worker will need to select the time off plans and the payroll periods to view then click OK. The screenshot below is the report output for the 4 time off plans available to the worker for payroll periods ending 7/16/24 and 7/30/24. ​​​​​​​

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)Click image to enlarge and view.

Important Note: 

  • MSUAASF accruals are based on time sheet data per the CBA and cannot be predicted for future without time populated in the time sheet. It is recommended that employees not pre-populate time sheets due to potential changes required prior to submission. 
  • IFO and MSCF accruals are based on working FTE from Faculty Workload Management assignments. 
  • Administrator accruals are based on position FTE. 
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Article ID: 1100
Fri 7/12/24 3:26 PM
Wed 8/14/24 9:14 AM