Viewing Financial Information

Tags Workday

In Workday, all "views" of financial information are reports.

To find and view your budget information in Workday, follow these steps:

  1. Search: Use the search bar at the top of the page and type in the report name (see report crosswalk for a list of reports). One suggestion is to type in "budget vs actual," and many reports will come up to select from. There are many more reports to explore, but this will help you become familiar with how to view budget information in Workday.
  2. Select the Report: Choose the relevant budget report from the search results.
  3. Filters and Criteria: Apply any necessary filters or criteria to narrow down the budget information you want to view.
    1. One new field is Worktag, which is what we used to call cost centers. You can enter more than one Worktag in your report. Not sure of your new work tag name? Use the Crosswalk Report: View the Power BI Workday Finance Terminology Crosswalk Tool to find your new information. 
  4. View and Analyze: Review the displayed budget details, including allocated amounts, expenditures, and remaining balances.
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Article ID: 1093
Wed 7/3/24 11:14 AM
Wed 7/17/24 8:18 AM