How do I create an Attendance chart within D2L Brightspace?
The Attendance tool enables you to create registers that track attendance for activities within your course. You can track attendance for any number of activities and customize your registers to according to your needs. Note: The Attendance tool does NOT connect to the Grades tool. Grades for attendance will require manual entry.
Create a new attendance register
Create attendance registers to track attendance for your course activities:
- Navigate to the Attendance tool.
- On the Attendance Registers page, click New Register.
- Enter a Name for your register. Optional: Enter a Description.
- Select an attendance scheme from the Attendance Scheme drop-down list. The System Scheme has Absent - A, and Present - P options. You can also create your own custom scheme.
- Enter a percentage that indicates your minimum attendance requirement in the Cause for Concern field. When a percentage is entered, you will see a cause for concern icon by the names of users who meet or fall below threshold criteria in the Attendance column on the Attendance Data page.
- Check the box next to the Allow users to view this attendance register.
- Select the users that you want to include in your register. You can choose to include all users or specific groups or sections.
- Add sessions:
- In the Sessions area, enter a Session Name, Session Description, and Order.
- If you need more sessions, enter a number in the text box and click the +Add Sessions link. The new session field(s) will appear on the page.
- If you need to add Sessions after you've closed the Register, Edit the Register and repeat the steps above.

- Click Save, then click Close.
Enter attendance
- Navigate to Attendance.
- Click the Name of the Attendance register you wish to update.
- Click the Enter attendance icon next to the session name you wish to update.
- Select the Attendance Status in the drop down menu for each student.
- Click Save
- Click Close.