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You are currently not logged in and some search results only show up if you login.
Shared Mailboxes Setup
Log in to
Replace StarID with your StarID:
Students, Alumni and Emeriti:
Faculty and Staff:
Note: Some
Outlook - Copy Outlook Email Signature (Mac)
How do I copy my Outlook Signature for Mac?
1. In the Finder go to /Users/starid/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook/Outlook 15 Profiles/Main Profile/Data
ISRS Login Issues
login ... Question
My ISRS account also is not allowing me to log on. Where can I get help?
If you are experiencing issues logging into ISRS/Uniface, try the following steps:
Delete the
Dental Clinic Login
How do I log into the dental clinic computers? ... dentlab-login ... Overview
This article goes over how an individual may log into the dental clinic computers.
To log into the Dental Clinic computers in the Clinical Sciences Building you will
Microsoft Teams - Login
login ... Question
How do I sign into Microsoft Teams?
Sign into Teams by using your for students, or for staff and StarID pass
Adobe Creative Cloud: Log Out and Login to Resolve Sign-In Issues
How can I resolve problems with signing in to use Adobe products?
Make certain you are logged out of Adobe through Adobe Creative Cloud. Find Adobe Creative Cloud in
VALT Login Troubleshooting
On Campus:
1. When trying to connect to you must be connected to the Eduroam Network. For Instructions on how to connect to Eduroam, click Here
2. If you are connected
Connect to a Department or Group MavDISK Folder on a Mac
your mac.
NOTE: If you are off campus, you will need to install and use the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client.
Select Finder from your dock
Select Connect to Server.... from the Go menu
Cannot Login to University Laptop
login ... Question
What to do when you cannot Log into University Laptop
Connect an Ethernet cable to laptop
Login with your StarID and StarID password
If that still does not work
MavAPPS: Macs
More than likely you will be prompted now for your login for your computer to verify it can install. Enter your login and password and click on Install Software.
Note: This is the login you use
Forward email in Outlook
How do I forward email in MavMAIL?
Note: This is only for student email accounts. Employee email accounts can't be forwarded.
Log into MavMAIL.
In the upper right
MavPRINT Error Alias Already in Use
I am trying to login to MavPRINT from a kiosk and receiving the error "Alias alreayd in use" what should I do?
If you are trying to login into MavPRINT from a Kiosk and
Institutional Process for Quality Matters Course Review
version of the course and provide a login, user name, and password for the Quality Matters review team to use. If you do not use D2L, then ensure that any identifying information of students is removed and
Alcohol Wise: Student Login Issues
address is different from your MavMail email, it can cause login issues. If you are having problems logging into the SHS Alcohol-Wise course, perform the following:
Navigate to https
JSTOR: Library Software Login Issues
I am unable to login to JStor, who can I contact?
Have user reset password first, wait a few minutes and then try again. If issues persists, please have user fill out a