How do I access my MavMail, Outlook calendar, and OneDrive from D2L Brightspace?
The Office 365 widget on the D2L Brightspace homepage allows you to view your MavMail, Outlook calendar, and OneDrive files.
To log in to the Office 365 widget in D2L Brightspace:
1. Navigate to D2L Brightspace
2. Login with your StarID credentials
3. On a laptop or desktop computer you will see the Office 365 widget on the right-hand side of the screen below the My Courses and My Basic Course list widget
4. Click Sign in to your Office365 account

5. A new tab or window will open. Enter your email address in the text box. Click Next
- Faculty and staff sign in with
- Students and emeriti sign in with

6. You will now see icons for your MavMAIL, Outlook, and OneDrive. Click the icon to open the service in a new window/tab

7. You can also choose to display your emails, calendar appointments, and OneDrive files in the widget
8. Click the down arrow in the gray bar below the icons
9. Then click the tab you wish to view

10. Click the up arrow in the gray bar at the bottom of the widget to collapse the display again