MavLABS: How to Connect


How do I connect to MavLABS?

Note: Multi-Factor Authentication is Required to Connect to MavLABS

When loggin in, MavLABS requires Microsoft 365 multi-factor authentication using the Microsoft Authenticator app on your mobile device. If your multi-factor authentication settings are configured to use text messaging or another option other than the app, you must change your authentication settings to use the app. You cannot connect to MavLABS without doing this. 

Change your authentication settings to Microsoft Authenticator app 


Connect to MavLABS

MavLABS allows you to connect to a computer in the University Labs using Remote Desktop Connection. To connect to a specific computer related to your course, follow the procedures below:

  1. Go to the website You should see the MavLABS dashboard where you can view the list of computers that are available. The dashboard will look something like this:

  1. Next Click on Connect on the specific computer that you want to access. For example: acc-fh139-12 

  1. Click on Download and open the downloaded file. The following dialogue box will pop up: 

  1. Click on Connect and the following dialogue box will pop up:

On Windows computers:

 screenshot of a Windows computer logging into MavLABS with Campus\YourStarID

(NOTE: ab1234cd is used as an example StarID)

On Mac computers:

Screenshot of the MavLABS login screen on a Mac showing the username field filled in with text "campus\StarID"

  1. Enter campus\Star ID and Password and Click OK.
  2. Then check your mobile device and approve the multi-factor authentication request. Your computer will wait for you to approve the authentication before moving forward. The multi-factor authentication will look something like this:

Cell phone with pop-up for authentication. Arrow pointing to "Approve"

7. After approving the Multi-Factor Authentication, you will see the following screen on your computer. This means that you are successfully connected to a computer from the labs at the University.


Frequently Asked Questions: 

Can I log in to two or more devices at the same time?

Yes, you can log in to two or more devices, but we recommend that you only connect to one as other students will be accessing the computers as well.


Will I get kicked out if another student tries to log in to the computer that I am using? 

If another student tries to log in to your computer, it will show you a prompt asking whether you want to allow that student to login. If you Click on OK, it will terminate your session and the other student gets access to the computer. Also, if you do not take any action, it will automatically log you out in 30 seconds. And if you Click on Cancel you will stay logged in.


Can I log in to a computer that another student is using? 

You can log in to the computer only if the student at the other end allows you to do so as shown in the above image. Otherwise, you will receive a prompt as shown below:


Can I save my files in the specific computer?

Your files will not be saved in the computer. You should save any files you have in your MavDisk or OneDrive.


How do I log out from the computer? Can I shut down the computer?

To log out from the computer would be to use the Logoff Icon on the desktop or you can also disconnect from the Remote Desktop session by Clicking 'X' on the toolbar at the top.



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Article ID: 314
Fri 3/11/22 2:04 PM
Fri 10/11/24 9:00 AM