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The Quick-Ticket Submission option creates a general ticket to IT Solutions. It is a great option for any issues not found under Service categories. This option allows anyone to get tech support, whether they have an Minnesota State Mankato account or not, since login is not required.

• Computer tagging and inventory
• Recycle computer equipment
• Computer equipment secure disposal
• Technology moves

Integrated Statewide Records System (ISRS) is a data system used by employees in the Minnesota State system to perform finance, human resources, and student-related services.

Beefree is a no-code email creation tool for employees. Create informational and marketing emails with this easy drag-and-drop platform, then work with our CRM team to send your mailings.

Poll Everywhere is an audience response system designed to help bring presentation and lectures from static to interactive.

The University's current Cisco phone system has reached end-of-life and these phones are no longer cost-effective, are not supported from the vendor, and are not up to date with modern technology. Starting in March 2023, the new Zoom Phone system will be implemented across the University.