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Zoom SSO Error
How to resolve a Zoom SSO error when attempting to log in with Star ID and password ... If you receive one of these errors when logging into either or your zoom application on your device using your star ID and password:
There are a couple of
D2L Brightspace: Page automatically scrolls down or jumps down
Why is the page jumping down when I access my courses?
How do I stop the page from automatically scrolling down in D2L Brightspace?
How do I log into the Request Help widget in
D2L Brightspace: Change Email Address
correspond to two different email inboxes. You can log into each inbox by using these log in credentials:
Faculty/Staff Email Log in:
Student/Emerita Email Log in: StarID
Accessing MavDISK files using an Internet Web Browser
"mapping" it to your computer:
Map MavDISK on a Mac
Map MavDISK on a Windows
To access MavDISK while off campus, you must either log in to WorkMSU or connect to the VPN (view VPN Windows instructions or Mac instructions).
Request Help
Krypton: Set Password
How do I reset my Krypton account password?
Open a web browser.
Navigate to Campus Account Settings.
Log in using your StarID and StarID password
Setting up Payroll Direct Deposit
To set up Direct Deposit, log in to the Self-Service Portal and navigate to the "Direct Deposit" section under "Payroll" or "Financial Information." Enter your bank’s routing number and account ... position.
Steps to Set Up Direct Deposit:
Log in to the Self-Service Portal: Access the portal using your employee credentials.
Select "My Pay."
Click on "Direct Deposit
D2L Brightspace: Student FAQ
A list of students' most frequently asked questions about D2L Brightspace.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why can't I log in to my D2L Brightspace account?
I get a "disactivated user" or
Accessing Workday
Quickly access Workday via direct browser links, The Fountain, Eservices Employee Dashboard, or the mobile app, and incorporate it into your routine for seamless task management. ... Logging in and checking Workday should often be a part of your routine at work. There are many ways to quickly get to Workday, including in your browser, on The Fountain, via the mobile app, and more
D2L Brightspace: Instructor FAQ
A list of instructors' most frequently asked questions about D2L Brightspace. ... A list of instructors' most frequently asked questions about D2L Brightspace.
Frequently Asked Questions
When I log in, why does my page drop to the bottom?
When you access the D2L
Set Outbound Caller-ID on Zoom Phone
information. The default caller ID cannot be changed on the Zoom mobile app.
Zoom Web Portal
Log in to the Zoom web portal
In the left navigation menu, select Phone
Click the Settings tab
D2L Brightspace: Getting Started for Instructors
Resources for getting started with D2L Brightspace as a faculty member or instructor. ... Log In
Log in online with your StarID and StarID password to find your course(s).
Log in to D2L Brightspace
D2L Brightspace, is the official learning management system at Minnesota
Posting Content in the Mav Life App as a Department
This article shows how to post content in the News feed on Mav Life as a department. ... Campus Cloud portal
Enter your email and password and click “Log In.” (Your email is your University email address (usually and the password is the password you
MoveIt Securely File Transfer
receive a username and password to send them so they can log in.
Receiving a Package via MoveIt Securely
You will receive an email notifying you of a new package
Click the link to the
D2L Brightspace: Add MediaSpace videos
How do I upload a recorded class to D2L Brightspace? How do I add Kaltura MediaSpace videos to my course?
When logged in with your StarID credentials, cloud recordings from
About the Self Service Portal
The Self-Service Portal provides access to manage your tax information, benefits, pay details, learning courses, savings plans, direct deposit, personal data, disability status, and vehicle use agreements. ... Log in: State of Minnesota Employee Self Service
As an employee, you have access to various personal, financial, and institutional options through the Self-Service Portal. This MinnState-based