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Upgrade PC to Windows 11
continue click "Install"
6. The install will begin and show a progress bar on your desktop.
*The computer may restart multiple times during this process. You won’t need to log back in until
Account is getting locked out
Enter the password that you use to log into windows and press the OK button.
Update the password to your new one.
Note: You will only be able to change the
How to Access MavAPPS from Windows 10/11
Option 2:
Click on Detect Citrix Workspace app.
If it goes to a login screen, go up to Option 1 as it means you already have the application installed. If you get the screen below
Map MavDISK or Department Drive on a Windows Desktop and Laptop
Mapping drive letters to MavDISK is state-owned Windows desktop and laptops computers. ... folders.
On-campus personally owned computers: Follow the instructions below to map a drive to MavDISK. The instructions can also be used to map department drives. Note: If you are off campus, you
Shared Mailboxes Setup
Log in to
Replace StarID with your StarID:
Students, Alumni and Emeriti:
Faculty and Staff:
Note: Some
Perceptive Content / ImageNow Client Install
This article goes over the steps to install Perceptive Content / ImageNow Client ... Client Getting Help, use your Star ID to log in and find the client install link).
Login as local Administrator to computer.
Grant "Write" access to the
Activate StarID with Personal Email Address
sure record it somewhere personal and remember it. Your StarID will be used to log into MavMAIL, campus wireless, campus computers, D2L, e-services etc...
Password Requirements
D2L Brightspace: Submit a request for third-party software integration
variety of Third Party Software that have learning tool integrations (LTIs) with D2L Brightspace. These integrations allow single click sign on, grade book sync, and linking items to Content, among
MavPRINT Two-Sided Printing
. Select One-sided
8. Select Two-Sided
9. Click on OK
10. Click Print
Note: When you change to two-sided printing, it will remain for the duration you are logged into the University lab computer.
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Azure Downloads Fails to Install
What can I do if my Azure download fails?
If you are experiencing issues with software downloading through Microsoft Azure Education, please contact Microsoft directly for
D2L Brightspace: Focus on feedback with grades or marks witholding
the feedback before releasing the grades. Students tend to focus on grades at the expense of written feedback – which may be detrimental to increasing future performance."
See: Kuepper-Tetzel, C
Respondus: LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor Guide (Students)
To begin a quiz using Respondus LockDown Browser:
Close all programs, unless one is used to connect you to the Internet.
Log into D2L Brightspace with a regular browser, select the
Warranty Help for Apple, Dell, Microsoft, and Consumer Priority Service
: (800)-642-7676
CPS: Consumer Priority Service:
Log in to your customer account or create an account using the policy number on your warranty certificate. Enter all the necessary information to enable a repair and work order.
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MediaSpace - How to Access
How do I access MediaSpace?
Navigate to
Login using your StarID and Password
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D2L Brightspace: Import Grades to eServices for Final Grade Posting
ready to import from D2L Brightspace and post final official grades.
Import and post final grades
Use the instructions posted on the Registrar's website to log into eServices and post final grades