How do I join and participate in meetings in Teams?
Joining a meeting
Join a meeting
Video: Join a Teams meeting
Join a meeting without a Teams account
Join a meeting on a second device
Participating in a meeting
Using video in Teams
Change your video background
Share content
Video: Show your screen during a meeting
Share computer sound
Spotlight a video
Take meeting notes
Raise your hand
Multitasking in a meeting
Video: Move around during a Teams meeting
Manage audio settings
Reduce background noise
Change participant settings
Manage attendee audio permissions
Download an attendance report
Whiteboard in a meeting
Participate in a meeting on Surface Hub
End a meeting for everyone in attendance
Keyboard shortcuts for Teams meetings
Setting up a meeting
Schedule a meeting
Schedule a Teams meeting from Outlook
Start an instant meeting
Video: Create instant meetings with Meet now
Invite people to a meeting
Video: Tip: Meet in a channel
Start a new Teams meeting on Surface Hub
Get started with Teams phones
Get started with Teams displays
Add a dial-in number for a meeting
Video: Manage meetings
See all your meetings
Using Cortana voice assistance in Teams
Broadcasting audio and video from Teams with NDI
Recording a meeting
Record a meeting
Play and share a meeting recording
Delete a meeting recording