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Outlook - Share Your Calendar/Mailbox
permissions include access to:
Depending on your relationship with the person you’re sharing these items with you will want to choose one
Microsoft Teams - Teams and Channels
This article contains all knowledge required to operate Microsoft Teams and managing channels. ...
Use @mentions to get someone's attention
Using tags in Teams
Add content and notes to a team
Reorder the teams list
Leave a team
Ways to join a team
Find and join a team
D2L Brightspace: Import a Course Package
view a final import summary screen with a list of any notes or warnings. For example, if you import a content topic that is not associated with a module, a module is created for it and this action is
Computer not powering on - screen , lights or noise not observed
This article goes over steps to troubleshoot a computer not powering up.
Check computer for type.
Checklist for laptop
Using Firefox or Safari to embed LinkedIn Learning videos into D2L Brightspace
Using a work-around to enable Firefox or Safari to allow the embed Linkedin Learning feature in D2L Brightspace ... These are additional instructions for the procedures outlined in the Embedding LinkedIn Learning Videos in a D2L Brightspace Course knowledge article for those who wish to use Firefox or Safari
D2L Brightspace: Page automatically scrolls down or jumps down
credentials ( and follow the steps to sign in.
3. The Request Help widget will appear after sign in.
4. Sometimes you will see a "Fix Connection" to SharePoint
The article provides information on where to find standard Workday training in Self Service/ELM, details specific training modules (WD01-WD06), and offers additional training resources and quick start guides for all users and supervisors. ... -05, WD06 is for Managers only. You can take any Workday training available, even if it is not assigned to you directly.
Core Training Modules all Employees are Suggested to Take
Timesheet Lock/Unlock
What is the process for unlocking timesheets if changes are necessary?
There is no more manual unlock. Employees will no longer need to complete the Employee Timesheet Unlock Request Form to have
D2L Brightspace: Set-up Follett ACCESS links in your course
: These links are needed for students to access their MyLab and Revel materials.
Notes: For assistance with publisher courseware set-up, please contact your publisher representative. Follett
D2L Brightspace: Login to Office 365 Widget to Access MavMAIL, Outlook, Calendar and OneDrive
How do I access my MavMail, Outlook calendar, and OneDrive from D2L Brightspace?
The Office 365 widget on the D2L Brightspace homepage allows you to view your MavMail
FlexSync Classroom: Use Share Screen to Improve Laptop Image Quality for Zoom Participants
in instructions)
Sharing Instructions:
1. Retrieve the Sharing Key for your meeting. Tap the Zoom Touch Display to unhide this information. The sharing key will be 6 random letters
Turnitin: How to submit and view a Turnitin Similarity Report in D2L Brightspace Assignments (Students)
How do I submit and view my Turnitin Similarity Report in D2L Brightspace Assignments (Students).
NOTE: Your instructor has to enable Students to view the report in order
Check Voicemail on Zoom Phone
- You will receive a copy of you voicemails along with speech to text transcriptions to your MavMAIL inbox.
- If you're calling your direct number from a another phone, you'll
The Fountain: Content Editing Access (Design Access)
Learn how to request and gain design access in The Fountain, including approval steps, training requirements, and processing timelines. ... Access to edit/add content on The Fountain is limited to keep content consistent, clear, and relevant for users.
Approval Process
Site-Level Approval: Each site can have up to two
FlexSync Classroom: Join Meeting Without Audio
to have the Zoom meeting open on their laptop in addition to being connected using the FlexSync Classroom system. This is possible and recommended if you want to do things like participate in chat