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Perceptive Content: Login with StarID
Content campus Administrator will need to login to the 'Security Administration Application' and assign the ImageNow web role to all the Perceptive Content users for your Institution.
Quick Start Guide for Zoom Phone
This guide shows you the basic features and functionality of Zoom Phone.
Get Started
1. Log into your University account on your Zoom app. The Zoom app must be running on your device and signed
D2L Brightspace: Instructor Access
respective D2L Brightspace course(s) in the Instructor role. To find your courses:
Navigate to
Login with your StarID and Password.
Locate your courses in the
Software Center: Opening in Windows
logo in the lower left-hand corner of the desktop
Scroll down the list of programs until you see Microsoft Endpoint Manager.
Click to expand the Microsoft Endpoint Manager
Turn Off Focused Inbox and Turn On Clutter
focused-inbox ... about.
Below are the instructions to turn off Focused Inbox and turn Clutter back on.
Open a browser window to
Click on the Login to MavMAIL/Office
Turnitin: Set-up a class and assignment in
using D2L Brightspace for your class, you do not need to set any of this up, Turnitin is integrated directly into the Assignments submission folders.
First, login to you account. You
Office Shared Computer Activation - Computers in Campus Computer Labs
Click on Sign In and enter your or information for the username field
The MinnState branded login box should now appear. Enter your StarID
Connect to VIA Wireless in a Classroom
1. Assure you are logged into the eduroam Wi-Fi network.
2. Tap the Crestron control panel on the presentation station to “wake up” the display.
3. Select Wireless as the
MinnState ID, State of MN Employee ID, Tech IDs and StarIDs in Workday
The article provides information on the change with the many types of employee id types and how to access in Workday. ... ID is a new system-wide identifier for employees and students. Your Minnestate ID is also your Employee ID in Workday. This is different than your State of Minnesota Employee ID used to login to
Changing Font Size in Outlook
How can I change the font size in Outlook?
To change or adjust font size within Outlook please see Microsoft's Website.
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Share Voicemail Inbox Access
Share your voicemail inbox with someone. ... Question
How do I share my voicemail inbox with someone?
How to share your own voicemail inbox
Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
Click Phone.
Click the Settings tab.
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Student Staff Accounts in Microsoft Office 365- Email, OneDrive and More
Student Staff Accounts in Microsoft Office 365. Separate accounts are created for student and employee roles with specific privileges. Using different browser profiles or email app accounts helps ... that these are not your email addresses, they are only meant for logging in. Your email address will be something like, and you will be given a different address for your
Zoom: Sign In on Chromebook Using University Account
Additionally you can download the Zoom application from the Chrome Web Store Getting Started on Chrome OS or install Zoom Chrome Extension
Logging into the Chrome App after it has been
Microsoft Teams - Install
install ... Question
How do I download Microsoft Teams?
Visit and sign in with your for students, or for staff and StarID password
Adobe Acrobat: Asking for a Login/Trial Period
What can I do if Adobe is asking for a Login/Trial period?
Please see Adobe's Website and follow the steps to try to resolve the issue
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