Multi-Factor Authentication - Set up for Phone Voice Call (call-only phones & non-smartphones)


I don't have a smartphone or I don't want to use my personal smartphone. How can I enroll in multi-factor authentication?

What you will need before you begin MFA set up:

  1. Immediate access to the Phone you will select for your preferred verification option
  2. Computer with Internet connectivity

This article provides instructions for:

  • Phones with call-only capability
  • Cell phones without smart capabilities or the ability to install the Microsoft Authenticator app or receive text messages - although this does not need to be a smartphone, the text messaging option does require a compatible phone.
  • University employee's Zoom Phones can receive calls and texts using their assigned university telephone number.
  • Note: If you have an iPhone or Android please use instructions: iPhone or Android

None of your personal data is stored from any phone device you select for MFA set up and enrollment. MFA is not designed for data storage, it’s design and purpose is as an authentication utility. The Microsoft Authenticator app verifies authentication within the sign-in process in order to access Minnesota State M365 provided services.


  1. From your computer:  Click to follow the link to self-enrollment
  2. Complete the ‘additional security verification’ before enabling MFA by selecting the ‘additional security verification’ link

  1. Login using your StarID credentials.
  • Students: [StarID]
  • Faculty/Staff: [StarID]
  1. Once signed in, you will be prompted to provide more security information to your account. ClickNext’

The next screen will allow you to select your additional verification options.

  1. Under what’s your preferred option? select Call my authentication phone or Call my Office Phone
  2. Choose your backup verification methods
    1. Select Authentication Phone and enter a phone number that is different from the listed Office Phone (listed below)
    2. If you have an office phone number assigned to you, Select Office Phone.
    3. Select Alternate authentication phone. This is a backup phone number if you cannot be reached at the Authentication Phone number

  1. Click Save 
  1. Close Browser Tab to return to the Multi Factor Authentication Request browser tab
  1. Click on ‘Enable MFA’



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Article ID: 114
Thu 2/3/22 9:50 AM
Fri 8/30/24 9:32 AM