Use University Wi-Fi for secure, high speed, and reliable internet access across campus and in residence communities. Follow instructions below to get connected.
Wi-Fi How-To Articles
Students, Faculty, and Staff
Connect to eduroam
eduroam is our fast and secure Wi-Fi network for all students and staff available in all campus locations (except residence communities). If you've never connected to eduroam before, you must first follow a few steps to get connected. Employees, your state-owned University device will automatically connect to eduroam, no setup needed.
eduroam Connection Instructions
Residence Communities
Connect to Boldyn (MyResNet)
MyResNet, is the official Wi-Fi available in residence communities. A 24/7 support team is available. If you're experiencing network issues in the residence communities, please contact ResNet 24/7 support.
Apogee (MyResNet) Connection Instructions
Visitors and Guests
Connect to MavGUEST
MavGUEST is a Wi-Fi network available for visitors in all campus locations (except residence communities).
Guest Connection Instructions