StarID: Activate Your StarID with Personal Email Address


How to Activate StarID With Personal E-mail Address


  1. Navigate to .

      Note: After StarID activation, your credentials should be ready to use in just a few minutes. However, during times of high load at the Minnesota State System Office, it can take up to two hours or more to be available for use.


  1. Click Activate my StarID.


  1. Under Activate my StarID, click I know my Email Address.
  2. Enter your personal email you used to apply to MNSU with, then click Continue.


  1. You will receive an Email from on the email address that you entered with a verification code.  Please go to your personal email account and open the email that you received.


  1. Copy the verification code.  


  1. Navigate back to the StarID Activation Page.


  1. Under Activate my StarID click I have a Verification Code.


  1. Enter your verification code in the top box and your email address or last name in the bottom box, then click Continue.



  1. You now need to create a password for your StarID. To create the password associated with it enter your new password in the top box and again to confirm the password in the bottom.


  • Select your preferred email address in the drop down box.
  • Click the check-box next to Terms and Conditions.
  • Once all of this is done, click Continue.
  • See password requirements located at the bottom of the page.


  1. You will now be brought to a page displaying your StarID. Make sure record it somewhere personal and remember it. Your StarID will be used to log into MavMAIL, campus wireless, campus computers, D2L, e-services etc...


Password Requirements


  • Between 8 and 128 characters long.
  • Use at least 3 of these types of characters: uppercase, lowercase, numbers, special characters.
  • May not have been used before.
  • May not contain your first name or last name if they are longer than 2 characters.