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MavPRINT Funds
mavprint ... Overview
When does my MavPRINT money get replenished each semester?
MavPRINT funds replenish every semester as part of the Student Technology Fee.
$20.00 is added to each
MavPRINT Locations
mavprint ... Question
Where can students use MavPRINT on campus? (MavPRINT Locations)
MavPRINT Color Stations:
MavPRINT Check Balance
mavprint ... Question
How can students check their MavPRINT Balance?
NOTE: New to MavPRINT:
Students are still allocated $20 for printing each semester through MavPRINT. Once this allocation
MavPRINT Refund Request
mavprint ... .
If the refund is approved, your MavPRINT balance should reflect the change in a few business days.
Print costs are 5 cents per page for black and white and 40 cents per page for color print.
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MavPRINT Touchless Printing
How to use MavPRINT Touchless Printing for quick and sanitary printing. ... mavprint ... Question
What is MavPRINT Touchless printing and how can I do it?
MavPRINT Touchless Printing is quicker and more sanitary since you don't have to touch a keyboard to print
MavPRINT Mobile Printing
mavprint ... Question
How do I print in from a browser on my laptop, tablet, or phone?
Where is the MavPRINT mobile website?
How do I print from my Laptop?
Login to the MavPRINT
MavPRINT Two-Sided Printing
mavprint ... Question
How can I print single-sided pages or two-sided printing on MavPRINT?
MavPRINT will print on both sides of a sheet of paper by default. This is called two-side (duplex
MavPRINT Error Alias Already in Use
mavprint ... Question
I am trying to login to MavPRINT from a kiosk and receiving the error "Alias alreayd in use" what should I do?
If you are trying to login into MavPRINT from a Kiosk and
Windows Printer Installation Verification
mavprint ... Question
How do I check if my network printer is installed correctly on my windows machine?
To request access to a network printer for a windows machine or PC, please contact the
Account is getting locked out
locked out, follow these steps to unlocking it:
Table of Contents:
Clear User Passwords
Clear MavDISK Mapping
Clear MavPRINT Connection
Clear MavNet-Encrytped Windows
Clear MavNet
Accessibility Consulting
-Services: IT Solutions
Walk-In: IT Solutions Center, lower level Centennial Student Union and 1st floor Memorial Library (near the MavPRINT stations)
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Document Conversion
and 1st floor Memorial Library (near the MavPRINT stations)
Identify the following:
Documents/materials that require conversion
Semester/Session documents will be viewed, for example
Installing and Running the Cisco VPN for Windows
How do I setup the VPN client? How do I connect to MavDISK or MavPRINT from off campus?
You can connect to the Virtual Private Network (VPN) client software using your
Descriptive Video Services (DVS)
MavPRINT stations)
Identify the following information:
Title(s) of all purchased or faculty created videos and/or online clips that require audio descriptions (DVS)
Semester/session media
Student Tech Guide
IT Solutions Locations
Complimentary Printing
Easily upload and print on 40+ printers across campus with MavPRINT.
And more!
Help, Support, & More
IT Solutions Center