MavPRINT Mobile Printing


How do I print in from a browser on my laptop, tablet, or phone?
Where is the MavPRINT mobile website?


How do I print from my Laptop?

  1. Login to the MavPRINT Mobile Website
  2. Upload a Document to print
  3. Find a MavPRINT printer at 50 locations across campus, login and release your print job.

Note: Duplex printing (print both sides) is set by default in MavPRINT Mobile. However, if Simplex (one side printed) is desired after upload, click on the file and under "Print options" on the "Sides" line change to "Single Sided" from the default of "Double Sided".


Students can print to MavPRINT more easily from their own laptops as well as from mobile devices like smart phones and tablets by following the instructions below.
MavPRINT From a Student Laptop or Notebook

  1. Using any web browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, and others, login with your campus username and password
  2. The MavPRINT Mobile Student Printing website shows your current balance and any documents ready to print to a MavPRINT printer that you have printed or uploaded within the past four hours
  3. To print a file, click Upload a document
  4. Browse to the file you wish to print. Document types can be Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, Image files and text (CSV, RTF & TXT)
  5. All uploaded files default to Black & White, duplex printing. If you wish to print color the additional step required is to click on the uploaded file and under "Print options" change from "Black & White" to "Color" The cost to print will reflect changes as well.
  6. Your files to print will now be visible and ready to print at any MavPRINT printer location across campus, if color printing is desired there are two color printers at Mankato campus and one at Edina campus.

Other things you can do on the MavPRINT Mobile Student Printing site:

  • Check your printing balance
  • Delete print jobs without printing (note that all print jobs are automatically deleted after 4 hours)
  • Preview a print job to see what it will look like BEFORE printing (to save you money)
  • Register an e-mail address to print jobs via e-mail other than from your official campus e-mail address
  • MavPRINT from a Campus Desktop Computer

MavPRINT Printers are already to use from over 1500 campus computers for students to use throughout campus.

  1. From any of these computers, select File-Print and select MavPRINTBW or MavPRINTColor
  2. Then find a MavPRINT printer at 50 locations across campus, login and release your print job
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Article ID: 400
Thu 5/5/22 4:26 PM
Fri 6/28/24 11:47 AM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

• Student Printing (MavPRINT) • Print from all devices • Black and color laser printing • Touchless Printing