Welcome to the Workday Human Resources Help Center! This section provides essential articles to guide you through important HR tasks. Whether you need assistance with employee time block entry, completing timesheets, or navigating training programs, our resources are here to support you.

Articles (13)

Administrator's Plan Time & Absence

The article outlines the requirement for administrators to submit timesheets in Workday, the reasons for this change, and guidance on recording hours worked, along with available training resources.

Approvals and Tasks

Learn how the approvals flow works in Workday, including the approval process, common uses for approvals, and how to track the status of your approval tasks. Stay informed and ensure your requests are processed smoothly and efficiently.


The Credentials feature in Workday allows faculty and concurrent instructors to manage and verify their professional qualifications, aiding HR with processing and compliance.

Entering Holiday Pay

Learn how to manually add holiday pay to your schedule if it isn't auto-populating.

Floating Holiday

Floating Holidays are not shown in your leave balance in Workday and are entered as an absence.

Leave & Absences

In Workday, "leave" and "absences" refer to scheduled time off that employees request and supervisors approve through the system's calendar view for accurate tracking and record-keeping.

Pay & Compensation

Explore these resources to understand your pay and compensation in Workday.


The article provides detailed guidance on tracking meal breaks, entering time, and customizing work schedules, along with available training resources.

Staffing & Hiring

The article explains the impact of Workday implementation on staffing and hiring processes, including deadlines for postings, the pause on internal bids, and the timeline for new hires, with references to available training resources.

Timesheet Lock/Unlock

The article explains the new automated process for unlocking timesheets in Workday, supervisor notifications for post-process changes, and the locked payroll processing period, along with training resources.


The article covers timesheet requirements and procedures in Workday, including who needs to complete timesheets, flex time entry, payroll processing, mobile access, and delegation.


The article provides information on where to find standard Workday training in Self Service/ELM, details specific training modules (WD01-WD06), and offers additional training resources and quick start guides for all users and supervisors.

Turn off viewing of All Open Positions on Org Chart

The article explains how to customize the org chart view in Workday to hide vacant positions (open PCNs) by selecting "customize chart view" and unchecking the "open positions" option.