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Department Email Groups
All employees are assigned to groups based on their department, division, or college. The primary usage of these groups is to send email communications. Department email group membership is based on ... under that Department.
MNSU-org-SubDepartment sends email to employees ONLY in that Sub-Department.
Note that permissions to email the group are restricted to the members of the group and the
Turn Off Focused Inbox and Turn On Clutter
How do I disable or turn off focused inbox, and enable or turn clutter back on?
With the change to the MinnState tenant, Clutter was turned off in favor of Focused Inbox
Accessibility Consulting
Accessibility Consulting services are available at Minnesota State Mankato
In collaboration with Accessibility Resources, Information and Technology Solutions is available to consult
Using Call Park
Call park allows phone users to place a call on hold and let another phone user resume the call from any phone or Zoom client. After parking a call, Zoom Phone generates a retrieval code. Any other phone user can use the retrieval code to resume the call. ... hold music. Currently, you can't customize the hold music for parked calls.
Take note of the 3-digit retrieval code and send it to the phone user who will answer the parked call.
If you didn't catch
Controlling Desk Phone (Yealink) Calls Using The Zoom App
Call Control replaces Cisco Attendant Console to be able to control the same call from a desk phone and/or the Zoom app simultaneously.
This can be very helpful for managing calls most conveniently ... Question
Is there a way to use the Yealink phone and control the call using the Zoom app to record, hold or transfer a call?
The Zoom App and Yealink phone can be linked
D2L Brightspace: Create a Holistic Rubric
select Holistic rubric.
Holistic: Holistic, single criterion rubrics (one-dimensional) are used to assess participants' overall achievement on an activity or item based on overall description of
Windows 10 - Performing a network reset
Note: If your computer doesn't reboot on its own after 5 minutes after it says it needs to reboot. You may want to reboot manually.
Your computer will restart and your network
Windows frozen on startup configuring windows
What to do when window screen is frozen on Startup Configuration?
If you are getting one of the following messages on startup:
Preparing to configure Windows. Do not
D2L Brightspace: Editing Groups
Questions related to article here
You can edit group enrollment in the Groups tool. To edit group enrollment:
Click the Communication drop down menu on the course
Adobe Creative Cloud Account Request - Faculty/Staff
Process to request Adobe as a staff, faculty or student worker only ... Question
How do I request access to Adobe Creative Cloud as a faculty, staff or student worker?
Adobe Creative Cloud Suite licenses are available on request to all faculty, staff
Voicemail PIN Viewing or Reset on Zoom Phone
How to reset your Zoom phone voicemail pin ... Question
How do I view or reset my Zoom Phone Voicemail PIN?
Employees must set a PIN to use a desktop (Yealink) phone, (or dial in) to check and manage voicemail messages.
Remotely Find, Lock, or Erase your Android Device
How do I find my lost Android phone?
To Remotely Find, Lock or Erase your Android Device
Go to and sign into your Google Account
If you
Turnitin: Log in/Access
folder within any semester course if it was held within the last year.
You may want to use a course that is closed to students.
Use this helpful article to set-up a test folder with Turnitin in
Share an Outlook Calendar With Someone
This article goes over how one may share their outlook calendar with someone..
Navigate to your calendar in Outlook.
Right-click on your calendar under My
MoveIt Securely File Transfer
, drag and drop files or select Upload Files
Select Send to send package
NOTE: If the receiver of the package doesn't have a MoveIt Securely account, one will be created for them, and you will