Find articles related to email services, including MavMAIL and Outlook, for managing communications and productivity.

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Outlook is an email and calendar platform for managing communications, scheduling, and tasks efficiently.

Articles (19)

Pinned Article Android MavMAIL Setup Native Mail App

Set up your email on the native android app.

Pinned Article iOS MavMAIL Setup Native Mail App

Setup email on the native iOS app.

Pinned Article Setup MavMAIL on Outlook App Mobile Device

Setup your work or school using Microsoft Outlook App

Department Email Groups, Addresses and Listservs

All employees are assigned to groups based on their department, division, or college. The primary usage of these groups is to send email communications. Department email group membership is based on the department organizational charts maintained by HR. Group memberships use a top down, hierarchical approach.

View and Search University Email Contact List in Outlook

You can easily search and view contact lists in the Microsoft Outlook app using the "People" tab.